ATTENTION ! The Map and directions I had posted In post # 57 have been CHANGED ! After carefully looking it over I made a route change (for the better) And then edited the Above Post with the link and the Map accordingly. Sorry for that but I had trusted Mapquest to give me the best route and at first it looked right to me,but when rthomas771 asked me the street names I went back and ZOOMED the map and realized it was n`t the route we will be taking. So NOW the map and directions in the above post (#57) are CORRECT. By the way you can see the Details and street names of the map in more detail by clicking the link and then Zooming the map .
Thanks Mike...:Handshake i'm going to get a motel room for Sat. night. if anyone else is staying let me know and maybe we can stay at the same motel. if we get 3-4 at the same one then we will have a parking lot for the B.S. session to follow the cruise-in... ...Frank...
Effie said for me to tell you... "i'm sorry"... ...and that Her and i will go this weekend and pick out the one for us...i will post it ...and call you and tell you which motel it is... She would also like to know how many women to expect.(this is happening at the (...Peach Outlet...) ...Your Friend Frank...:Handshake
Darn it. Effie messed up a good routine. I was going to reply and ask, "The one on the right or the left." But, she ruined a potentially good gag.
I plan on it. I still need to give the guy a call and see what he's asking for the door and pedals. Might try to go get them next weekend.
She's that way...we can't have any fun when she's around... some of you guys could split a room... ...Frank...
...bring some of the parts with you...we could set aside a few hours for shop demonstration... ...Frank...
Click the mapquest link in post 57. The address is there. On second thought, here's the link: