Hi Guys.... well.....i uploaded the pics about my problem, 2 broken sway bars in less than 1 year....what should i check besides my eyes ? . Streets are in pretty bad shape here in the country, so any advice should be great.
well not sure what is causing the broken sway bars , but the flex line should be above the sway bar and the end of the flex line is held in the little bracket with a large U shape clip. Having the line under the swaybar.... is not safe and the hard line will rub on the brkt and eventually rub thru. Then no brakes on the front
Wow I have never seen a sway bar break before! Are those OEM Mav. bars? Bad roads is an understatement! Try an aftermarket bar.Did you use the right size mount bushings and not over torq. them?
the way it pointed up makes me wonder why? is the other tire still on the ground? when installed was the end links at the same hight so there isnt any preload on the bar at rest? are the frame rails level? does the balancer hit the sway bar?
Sway bars are tempered steel. The only thing I know that will make them snap in two is the metal was heated with a torch for some reason or another. Maybe to re-bend the sway bar?? Heating tempered steel will make it brittle
nah must've been watching fast and the furious tokyo drift.... saw a mustang doin it so he thought he could be drift king in the mav
Well....the first broken bar was the original one, then i bought a used one and the fit was ok, i didnt had to force anything, and i dont know if they used a torch on that one. So if i buy a new sway bar, that shouldnt happen again ? or there is anything else i could check ? shipping a sway bar from the US to my country is almost 3 times more expensive than the sway bar itself, it is worth it ?
Does the bar break at both ends or only the same side each time???? 2 in a row with a bad heat treat??? Do you know if this is a common problem on south american Mavs?? If it is, then I would say quality of the bars is sub par down there.Either way...getting an aftermarket bar will cost you less in the long term.(unless you like to change em often) Have you made any suspension mods??? lowerd front end/shelby "A" arm relocation?? If so the suspension may be traveling farther than the bars range of motion causing it to bend...bind up...then snap.If this does prove to be the case...a shorter end link may solve the problem.Good luck!!! Hope this helps you.
I'm not sure, unlikely that 2 bars had bad heat treat. It's been a while since I was in the metal working business, but something don't look right with the break
I doubt its a bad heat treat as well,frame mount bushing looks distorted.Looks like it was twisted...has a peak at top of break.If it were a shear I would expect a clean even break.Also look at frame rail above and behind broken end of bar...looks like the undercoating has been knocked off from repeated hits? perhaps...
End links look like aftermarket,maybe too long causing bar to bind up.Bars just don't break under normal driving, something caused way too much stress on bar.
first one broke on the left side, and this one on the right side, both after i hit a hole on the street, theres plenty of holes here on the streets and according to the guys on the used parts store its hard to brake em. Maybe i can justify the first one, the car was involved in an accident some years ago and the whole right side had to be rebuild, but the second bar broke after i hit a maybe 10cm hole at 10km/h......that it is wierd, suspension have no mods. Also with the second bar, i noticed a vibration on the car, mechanic guy didnt know why, maybe it was hitting something.
Looks like your bar is hitting the frame rail on the right side...Do your tires wear evenly??? car may be bent.Try a shorter end link so the bar wont travel so far.It looks like too much travel is causing the bar to bind on the frame and snap.(You may want to install new springs and shocks up front too).This could also cause the broken bars.Good luck!!!
I checked the frame rail and that was it.....springs and shocks are new, ill get shorter end links to reduce the travel on the new bar. Thanks guys !!! btw.....should i get the addco bar ?