you're just saying that because she liked my car better than she liked yours... and gave me a free tea...for being..THE WINNER...:bananaman.. ......
As the evening and the cruise-in was winding down, a friendly older gent (older than Frank) came walking briskly toward the line of Mavericks. He got to where I was standing and said, "Holy cow! I've never seen this many Mavericks at one show." He went on to introduce himself as a contributing writer for a magazine up in Canada called Old Cars. He said that he was heading back north, up I-75, when he saw the cars parked in the outlet center parking lot. He had to drive 5 miles to the next to turn around. Boy, this guy was excited. He took pictures of the cars, had all of us "casually" stand around the cars, and took pictures from a few angles. He quizzed us about the cars, asked were we a club, how big a following did Mavericks have, etc. We told him about this forum and gave him the URL. When we told him that over 10,000 were members here, he was astonished. He was almost as giddy as a school girl about writing an article on the Mavericks and some of the owners until... He wondered how was he going to get a story about a bunch of Mavericks at a middle Georgia show printed in a Canadian publication. Earl told him that a lot of Mavericks were built in Windsor, Ontario and that his was built there. "There ya go. That's the connection I need." He then proceeded to take more pics of Earl's car and talk to Earl. He even snapped a picture of Pinky...with John in it...looking Canadian. Upon doing a Google search, I've only been able to find this link to any magazine with "Old Cars" in the title. If this is it, it's home office is in Wisconsin. We were told that he would e-mail us pictures. I wrote down my e-mail address, the URL for this site, and the Dixie Maverick site. He may have only been blowing us breeze, but it felt nice.
Ummm, It wasn't Windsor, It's St.Thomas. But they did build engines in Windsor \BUt we have a Canadian newspaper called "Old Autos"..maybe that's it?
here you go guys. OLD AUTOS-canadian newspaper for the enthusiast. 348 Main Street, Bothwell, Ontario N0P 1C0 Ph 519-695-2303, fax 519-695-3716. This newspaper has been around for a longgggg time. All kinds of info and history published every issue. Stories about old cars,old race tracks, car shows and anything car related. Anyone remember the gents name that interviewed you fine GA folks. Oh can't forget the great Kentuckyian either.