Mines not in the instrument cluster, but this is an idea.... the one thats missing in the pic is the tach. Just use exhaust pipe about 2ft long and bologna cut it in sections to angle it. Take a flat piece of sheetmetal and put it next to an acetylene tank get out your rubber mallet and bang away, it fits nicely into the airvent hole.. lol... hey, i work with what I have.
OK, I had to take some new pics to show off my final product after switching from 3 on the tree to T5 on the floor. I am really happy with how it came out. BTW the insert at the base of the shifter is stainless steel, the glare is hard to get around with a flash.
72CometGT ya need to start a thread on how ya mounted those in like that cause that would be awesome give details like gauge size and how everything is hooked up and things of that nature. if ya do i'll give ya a e-cookie lol
It actually got pretty complicated. I found which wire in the harness was tied to an idiot light and extended it down to the granada console. I sanded off the original labels on each of those lamps and used decal letters to relabel them to match the stock idiot lights. Hooked up the oil and water senders and fed them down too. Used relays to keep everything powered...Maybe I will do that tech article.
that would be very helpful, i probably wont do the idiot lights, just put the other guages i need in there somewhere
I lready have gauges so no idiot lights needed for me but i think it would be cool to do it like a 2 part like how ya mount the tach and speedo in there and then the wireing for the rest,cause im kinda diggin the warning lights... Man im so confssed i dont know what i wanna do lol.
Gauges look good, but that manual trans is fricken awesome. I didnt know you could get those shifters to work with T-5's. Nothing looks cooler and tougher than a manual trans. Super sweet ride Im jealous.