Wow,i love oklahoma i had the front sheetmetal tore off my car in the front of my drive way,the only thing that happened was a cop stoped to look at the car and ask some questions about the motor lol.
What if you put it in the backyard and cover it? I know in some cities, they allow a project car to sit if it is covered and not in the front. 16suspect16suspect16suspect16suspect16suspect16suspect16suspect16suspect16suspect16suspect We have those kinds of cities and neighborhoods here in Oklahoma too. We just don't happen to live in them. When I was looking for a new place, the first thing I asked was if the area had an HOA or covenance. If it did, I was no longer interested and moved on. The realtor got to where she would only send me properties that didn't have these. I ended up buying unplatted county property outside of city limits.
I ended up buying unplatted county property outside of city limits. [/QUOTE] Smart move! If it weren't for my wife, I'd be living on gthe outskirts, too, with a nice big shop, no HOA, and no stupid a$$ neighbors to deal with (who live like they >ARE< out in the country, and don't give a Dam* about anyone but themselves)> Chris
Chris, I read the whole post and kept thinking how that sounded like you. When I read "Dallas" I looked at the avatar Eye sore? I don't like your hate speach.
I live on a military base and get bitched at weekly for my maverick. You aren't allowed to work on your car at all in base housing. Talk about being nazis about an all-american hobby. I'm quite tired of their szhit. The other day they complained because I had a to change a flat. I'm like well two weeks ago this engine was in pieces in my garage.
Cops on Cars IT SOUNDS like to me Y'all are living in Socialist areas. God bless TEXAS!!!!!! Texasjack
I know your general area and used to work there a few times a year. What you have is a lot of northerners from like NY and NJ who sold there 1200sq ft homes for 1/2 mil and moved there and now think they are big..ummm, well you get the idea. I found more attitude, back stabbing etc in that area then any place I have worked in my life.
Hmm?? I live in Texas (near Dallas), and the city got on me about my car (see above)....! If that means I'm becoming socialist, I'm outta here. Chris
Yes. I know several folks like that. Mostly women (no offense to any)... My mother in law and grandma are that way. Any sort of car that is not practical and/or modern transportation, they consider an eyesore. My 75 was an 'eyesore' even back when it was in great shape. My MIL considered my 98 Z28 an eyesore because it wasn't a 'normal and practical' car. When it's family, it's easy to blow it off. When it's a neighbor that is tattle-tale happy, then you just have to cave. Then you can be obnoxious to annoy the hell out of them in other, impossible to prove, ways. Block off a section of property with some sort of make-shift border, right on your side of the property line, closest to their house as possible, then don't cut the grass inside the bordered area. Water it with a timed sprinkler at 2am everyday, preferably with the loudest tick-tick sprinkler you can find. Let the weeds grow huge and ugly. Put some windchimes and some sort of ugly item that can pass for a 'bench' in the weeds. Then when anyone asks, say you are growing an "indigenous fauna garden". On another note, my uncle has so many cars gumming up his yard that he doesn't even have to mow his grass. It is covered with Fords. Everytime I visit, I ask for the 'salesman' on duty. It looks like a used car lot. If he has to take body panels or drivetrain out of a vehicle, he moves it behind his privacy fence. Otherwise, they are all tagged and sit in the front yard. Code enforcement watches him like a hawk, but can't do anything as long as the cars are whole and tagged. If it's not tagged, he backs it in. They can't come on your property to look for a tag.
I have the exact same problem. the guy came to talk to us about it finally, and said my mav was fine since im working on it, so it can stay. my dad's truck and impala have to go behind the fence with all latches and locks disabled or removed. better than losing em tho.
Big Brother Business That reminds me of a story that happened back in a small backwoods town in Ky. Gertie was the town gossip, she thought she knew everyone's business and was always eafer to spread the word. Old Joe had an old pickup and Gertie saw it sitting in from of the town's only bar. She spread the word around town that Joe was just an old drunk because she saw his truck in from of the beer joint. Joe got tired of being asked about his drinking problem so one evening he quietly parked his trunk in front of Gertie's house and left it there all night. Good old Joe. Texasjack
ahhh the "safety" factor. if it is behind the fence then who cares if there are working locks. if someone locks them self in the car and dies by "accident" it will be less painful for them than if i find them within my property line. as for the "eyesore" thing. my truck is several different colors right now because i havent painted it yet and i park it on the lawn or sometimes my sons. i dare anyone to say anything, but doubt they will since we dont have a HOA. only problem i have had is the water district patrol complaining about my busted mainline "wasting water" or one of the sprinklers breaking when i wasnt home. all the more reason to kill the lawn off