hehe, Ratio.... guess i should have added a subject keeper to that statement ;P. duck tape, that is what im talking about. In NV a trespasser is just that, shoot first ask for their ID later.
only problem is the oldest "kid" that i have to worry about is like 7. lucky me. I figure we'll just disable the latches, then use some of those ratcheting straps to keep the doors shut. if they take the time to open that at least i'll have that much more time to catch em. maybe ill just use the pellet gun, so i don't have to worry so much about loosing control when i catch em messin with my cars.
hehe, your own kids and relatives are not technically trespassers. Just use a switch on them, that is why grandma always has rose bushes growing in the yard....
I still don't understand why locking the car up isn't the better solution. Then the kids can't get in to begin with - that keeps them out of your car AND keeps them safe.
no, they're from down the road. they think the world is their playground, especially when someone's not home, their yard becomes priority 1. heck, that one had a pellet gun down here once. and there are some dents on my mav that i hadn't seen before, that looked like someone took a punch to my quarter panel... or a pellet gun. it's not bad, but the fact they might think my car is target practice... well. yea.
I think I would debate this with the county as a safety issue (arguing that locking it up would be safer).
ahh, i dont think it'd be worth it with the stubborn people out here. they think they have the right to tell us what to do with our cars, and they won't give up that power just cause the rules they make are stupid. besides, all we gotta do is get em runnin, insured, and tagged and then they're ready to go.
i had a "wonderful" neighbor renting next door who would constantly park in front of my house.public street and all but i use all the room in front of my house,5 cars reside here.after a couple of weeks of asking almost daily for him to move his car,i hooked my crewcab long bed f250 to my 30 foot toyhauler and parked it in front of his house.after about 2 weeks the sheriff knocks on my door (i live in a county island) and says the neighbor called about the toyhauler.after a short conversation he went over and told my neighbor there was nothing he could do,it's on a public street and since it was still hooked to the truck and the landing gear was up,it was fine where it sat. i left it there more than a month.
It's funny how some of these jacka$$ neighbors seem to think that it is o.k. to do things to you and think nothing of it because they did it ......so it must be o.k.. And how if you do the exact some thing back to them suddenly your a bad person and they must call someone from the city to fix the problem. When it comes to these idiots i just love to be the ultimate pain in the a$$ neighbor and will do anything i can to pi$$ these type of fine people off and do whatever it takes to do it.
I'm glad I live out in the county..on a small farm.My neighbors pretty much don't care about anything I've got here,there's 8-10 vehicles in my yard at any given time;they all run.There's about 20 more parts cars & junk up on the hill(away from the house).I've stripped cars,pulled motors/installed motors,changed rears,etc in my yard with no problems.Born/raised in the big city....I hope I never have to live in one again.Too many "associations" to tell me how they think I should live.Geez,the federal govt does a good enough job of that.
Comrick,thats too true i had a guy next door to me that mon-thur. was picked up for work(friday was his day off.) He was too lazy to get up before his ride got there and they were to lazy to knock on his door,so what do we hear at 6am every moning? HONK HONK HONK for about 30 mins,alot of yellin back and forth and then get'n even. Went and talked to all the other people who had to deal with his crap and on a friday at 6 am i started my car with open headers,had my bro start his 460" torino with open headers and had my dad start his 502" 13:1 Comp BBF 69 Mustang race car with you guessed it open headers,guy came out yell'n,i told him we would do it every friday morn if him and his buddy didnt stop there crap.He moved the next tuesday lol.