Ok guys started the Comet this year and the engine seems to be shaking. It's not a miss just shakes the car. Changed plugs, dist cap, rotor, fuel filter, cleaned carb, checked timing 12 degrees btdc, checked for vaccum leaks, still shaking. Any ideas. Thanks Joe
I have the stock balancer but it's new ford piece. Guess I better check it though. What's funny it only does it at idle. Soon as you give it gas it's gone.
If it smooths out above an idle I would have to guess the carb. is out of adjustment without any more information clint
Carb adjustment is fine, adjusted with a vacuum guage and has great vacuum. Went back and checked the torque convertor bolts today, they were fine. Going crazy here. Joe
How long has in been sitting? Might just needed some driving and/or SeaFoam. As well as fresh gas. Tank could also have started to rust a tad, check the fuel filter.
what if you cruising and you put it in neutral? still vibrate? if you come to a stop does it shake in neutral, park or with your foot on the brake?
My mav used to do that all the time,i just tought it was normal because of all the torque lol, or just cause of the old motor mounts i was using.
so it's not anything in the drive train, only engine. Idle is correct right? not too low? I think you mentioned that already. I don't think it could be flywheel really cause it would stop in neutral and wouldn't be gone at 1100 rpm. That balancer comment might be correct. Any chance?
It has Edelbrock Performer top end kit. The engine has 1000 miles on it. Last year was fine and all winter when I would start it, it was fine.