looks like the outside is already all done, awesome work. How come your are also stripping the paint on the inside? Was it pretty rusty there too?
yes, in some places. just look at this picture: and this one is gonna be a complete "body off" restoration - so i'll take care of EVERY corner of the car. it has seen so many half-hearted repair attempts that i feel this one should be done right.
wow, that's a really tough corner to sand. great job so far, looks like with just a few simple tools you've been able to do a lot.
to germany that is, right. but can you check shipping to Houston, Texas 77032? someone from a german mustang forum is running a container from there, he offered me some space for a decent price already.
You are doing you car very similar to my own. I stripped every bit of paint off too but my problem has been that I'm trying to repair to many things at once and I'm getting nothing 100% completed.
that's why i take my time and only go in small steps. bodywork first, then everything else. when stripping the car, i put every parts group in a labeled bag. this way, i can restore every item just when they are needed. i guess the whole restoration will take me roughly two years - if i'm lucky.
now that would be great but when it comes to bodywork and painting, i have to rely on others. and shipping the sheet metal i need will also take its time...
I just had a pair of doors shipped from colorado to south carolina via greyhound bus, they came in about $90 each for shipping. I too have the rot issue like you have at the bottom of the doors. I just finished fabbing up and installing a basically new passenger side rear corner on our project Comet. It sufferes as well from previous "bodywork" on the rear light panel and the rear pass. corner. when I pulled the quarter extension off a full 1/4" (7mm) thick piece of boddy filler fell out... the body filler continued about 1/3rd of the way on the rear light panel. I wouldn't have minded that so much if the work had been done right... the metal didn't appear to be prepped very well and rust developed behind the filler.... now I have even more to fix..YAY! Looking great BTW, you are moving right along!
Wow, that car has some rust in places I never imagined. I'm glad to see it's getting fixed. Great work!
thanks! what would be the "unusual" places for rust? only the rear quarter window? the rest seems to be pretty common - same with the mustangs i have seen over here.