I always used Marathons with load range C. Should be enough but maybe I should step it up too. Hard to find trailer tires around here.
Load rang C is something like 2150 per tire. Not heavy enough for my trailer at all. Load rang D is 2540 per wheel. I'm just about maxed out there. Not sure offhand what loadrange E is, but its quite a bit more than I need. I guess 1 problem is is that no trailer tire is rated over 65mph and I'm usually doing about 75. Also from reading on here trailer tires are designed to not wear out, but should last 3-5 years. I guess in the high heat we have they should be replaced every 2 years. I'm definitely proof of that.
Nick, one place told me it was a shop rule not to jack up a loaded trailer. I told him I'd break the nuts loose and have the trailer in the air in 30 seconds. He said if I did that he'd change it for me. I have a special trailer aid block that you break the nuts loose and drive the good tire up on to the block. The flat tire lifts right off the ground. No jack required. They were standing around and watching me and all 3 guys said "we got to get one of those".
Some interesting reading here www.carlisletire.com/product_care/trailer_tire_service_guide.pdf Note the relationship of tire air pressure to load limits
Just went over to the Ford dealer. They said I should be back on my way later this afternoon. Hope there's no more problems.
Don, My Dad does a LOT of camping and pulling a camping trailer and has for many years, so Last few years he has subscribed to Trailer Life Magazine and a coulple other camping/trailer towing type magazines and over the last few years he said he can't count the amount of articles on tires and how often they should be replaced. He was just telling me that he needs to replace all his Camper (5th wheel) tires because they are coming of age (3 years old) He said every article he has read says not to let Trailer tires get more than 3 years old regarless of the tread wear. I can seriously remember when we were kids and we never EVER changed the tires on the camping trailer, the tread would wear just like that on a car tire and they would be weather checked (cracking) and they always still held and never a problem. Dad is telling me these days either him or one of the people that him and Mom camp with blow a tire almost EVERY trip someone loses a tire... I think they are making the trailer tires that way on purpose just so people will have to spend the $$$ I have had trailers in the past with the old heavy duty trailer tires on them and the sidewalls were so dry rotted it looked like a topo map of the Rocky Mountains and the tires would cary any load you put on them and not blow out... Matter of fact I just looked at a car trailer recently and I bet the tires on that trailer were 15 years old and that was on a 14-16 foot car trailer so I know it has hauled some heavy weight. Anyway to anyone out there that has a car trailer or any trailer that has some serious weight to it be careful and replace your tires regularly (every 2-3 years) regardless of the tread wear. I have seen the tread on a couple of the blow outs that my Dad had and the tread was like brand new. I think when I finally quit pinching the penny and buy a car trailer I am going to put heavy duty truck tires on it.