I've met prolly 100 people that used to drive mavericks back when they were fairly new. I've only met a few maverick owners in person. And only 2 owners that actually drive there mavericks. I met a few older owners that have the car setting up collecting rust but the 2 that drive them daily and are constantly working on them are about my age or around 20 or so. That was jus strange to me cause I've yet to meet anyone older than 21 that has a maverick that runs. How many of u stay in north Mississippi
You should try to make either the Gathering or the Roundup next year. You'll meet lots of Maverick/Comet owners and see there cars. Great times and great people.
No young guys around here with Mavs. Young guys around here dont even know what a Maverick is. Our Mavs rusted out long ago and vanished off the roads before you young guys could walk. I havent seen or heard of another Mav in my city other than mine in over ten years. My first Mav was in 1985 and it was so rotten the hood hinges fell off the inner fenders and the steering box broke off the frame. Took me 3 years to find a shell that was salvageable. Had a couple of younger guys pull up to me at a light and ask what the car was, it looks sweet? Told them a Maverick and got a completely blank look from them. They gave me a thumbs up and took off. I got a good chuckle out of it. The two around here are mine and Larry in the city next door. We both had mavs when we were younger, were about the same age and both our cars are Grabber Blue. He painted his first though.
The problem with kids these days are that they're all into imports. I thank God every day that I was born into a family of hot rodders.
teenagers will be teenagers..... when i was in school it was mini trucks and beetles. theres a reason their insurance is high. even a golf cart can be driven too fast and people injured..... i started driving my first mav when i was 17 and the grabber when i was 18 back in the fall of 1988. it got the wife and i to work for years, and around town constantly, and down to LA to visit her family at least twice a year, and out to fresno and back every weekend for almost a year.... now we live where you get about three months of no ice on the road so i dont get to drive it as often....
I'm 14 with a rolling chassis Maverick. Sorry I couldn't make the meet this year, where will it be next year?
Thats awesome. Hope you have money for insurance, You've got a few years of terrible rates. Mine dropped bigtime when I turned 25 and got married the same year. Guess they figure cause i got married I was all grow'd up. Hah jokes on them.
im 18 and i have a mav that would run if it had a decent starter. and im about to buy a comet. i can say this: nobody i talked to at my school knows what a maverick is, but at conway, the auto body teachers knew what it was, and one of em has one. (among his other cars. well over a dozen if i had to guess)
I've been lucky to have met Maverick owners across the country and in Canada too. Cliff & Coop, John Ford and Ward F. and all the guys that showed up at John Ford's house in Louisville when I was there.. comrick317 and Dennis Martin. Maverick man and all the guys that have shown up at the Fab Ford show at Knott's Berry Farm.