problem is in the flexplate 157 and 164 mustang motor takes bigger flex but his bell housing uses the smaller one .and the starter is binding up
How much gas did you pour in the carb to start it. if you pour in to much you can hydro lock the engine. if the starter and flywheel check out pull the plugs and try to turn over by hand.
ray = maverick maniac i did not pour gas into the carb... i just wanted to see if it would crank before i tried firing it up
you were able to turn the flywheel to install the converter nuts correct? then you installed the starter and it would not rotate after correct? you may be trying to use the wrong depth starter snout. the next time you pull the starter, measure the depth of the flywheel from the outside edge of the separator plate to the front of the ring gear. then look at the starter measure how far the leading edge of the starter gear is from the mounting surface.
I'm betting it's a flywheel problem(wrong size for the bell maybe?But then you couldn't have turned it to tighten bolts) or the torque converter isn't all the way in.Justin,when you(or them?) put it together,the torque slides onto the imput shaft,then you turn it a bit and it slides back one more time,about an inch,if that.If it isn't fully seated it will cause binding of the starter,and possible tranny pump damage.Hope this helps.
When I swapped trannies in my 77 years ago, the small bell on the new tranny would not even clear my 164 tooth flexplate (my first lesson in the different size flexplates...), so I can't see it ever going all the way together if that was the case. But then, working under a car without enough room or a tranny jack, maybe we just didn't try hard enough.
Yes you are correct a 164 flex will not clear the small bell. I had a issue with the flex plate and convertor. The convertor had dual plugs and i did not get them alighned properly. When I tightened the flex to the convertor it bowed where the second plug was and the weight would lodge against the starter bendex gear plate, stop her dead and really screwed the starter. I was able to turn the motor to tighten the flex but when the starter engaged it was game over. I'm with blu on this one check that flex and see where that weight is, if its where the starter hole is when its locked if so you will need to realign your flex.
the weight was not where the starter was and pulling it out today... i saw that the 164 tooth is actually smaller than the stock one... i know its hard to believe but when im done taking care of my bleeding hand i will count the teeth...
btw the torque converter was not in all the way i trusted my buddy to put it in btw again should the torque converter stop when turned when its in all the way??? mine does that just checking
You most likely damaged the trans pump.Or its in gear/park...Put the trans in neutral and try spinnig the converter.