I am putting a 302 out of a 78 mustang II into my maverick. I am also building another motor that has all the bells in whistles, so this one can go by as cheap as possible. Have distributor already. Motor seller has another "performance" distributor, mallory I believe, he would sell to me at a heavily discounted price. yes/no? Should I just go to the automart and get an ignition, coil, wires, and plugs off the shelf because all the fancy stuff is a waste of change? thanks
In a stock motor that already has a good stock ignition you will not see any difference between stock and the best plugs, wires, and distributor on the market. This doesnt mean it wont help, it just means if your stock system is working properly then I doubt you will notice any difference assuming the motor is stock. I say just go for MSD. Personally I would rather have a points distributor with an MSD box then the best igniton coil, wires, and plugs without MSD. With mallory make sure you check the part number and see how old it is. Mallory has been making distributors forever and I would avoid the older models (YL series comes to mind) as your going to have to special order caps and rotors, not to mention some older ones had special applications which mean different mechancial advance setups.
cool. yea I don't have anything yet. So just get a MSD ignition and hit up the parts store for the rest of the stuff? that ignition wouldn't be the same part as the "AL2" I see reference on the site, would it? I may get the distributor for the other motor bc it seems like a great deal.
MSD is pretty good stuff but like was said, on a stock engine regular Ford parts are fine. If you are still running points I would step up to either Pertronics points eliminator kit or put a Dura-spark distributor and stock ford box. Or go with a Dura-spark distributor and either an HEI 4 pin module or a MSD Street Fire box. A Dura-Spark Distributor and a 4 pin HEI or MSD box will feed a pretty high Performance engine. clint
so a point eliminator kit replaces the rotor and points but not the cap right? and the boxes you're referring to are the ignition modules? stock coil or replacement is fine, then... Looks like i'll go stock setup with a points eliminator kit from what I've been hearing here. thanks guys
A points eliminator does away with the points and condenser. You still need the rotor button and Distributor cap. Depending on the kit you buy you may need their coil as well. You can just leave the points in and use something like an MSD Street fire or 6AL ignition box. The points will last almost forever as they only act like a switch from then on and don't carry much voltage. I think the Street fire will support this and the Street Fire is less than the 6 AL box. I first saw one the other day at the parts store and it was around $150. I think the 6 AL box was $239 or so. clint
I am using the $45.00 ProComp HEI ebay special and so far I love it!! The best part is: no separate module, no separate coil, and all it needs is one 12v wire ran to it.
uuuooo. me likes this option... like this one -> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ProComp-HEI-Distributor--Ford-V8-High-Output-289%2f302_W0QQitemZ250488997982QQcmdZViewItem
That's going to look retarded on a 302. You can get reliable performance just by swapping in a Pertronix unit (or any other brand electronic module that replaces the points) If you want to swap the cap, you can replace the small cap with the early 80's post type cap and rotor, all of which are available at any parts house. This consists of a small to large cap adapter, large post cap and rotor to match. Best ones are Standard Ignition blue cap with the brass terminals. Next get a set of Ford Racing 9mm wires ($40 thru Summit) and Autolite plugs. All this is reliable to 7500 rpms and tuneups go to about a 3-4 year interval.
I would change the oil pan the mustang II take a special front sump pan to clear the rack and pinion.Itll fit the maverick no problem but there people out there hunting them. if you get the bellhousing,flywheel and converter there also "special parts"