can someone explain to me about what it means to have an 8" rear end or something of the like? Also about what 3.55 gear ratio means. I'm reading all of these forums on rear ends and getting lost in the vocabulary. Does anyone know off the top of their head whether a 71 mav is an 8 or an 8.8 or a 9? (whatever that means). I know it's a newbie question, but that's what I am. Thnx.
a 71 maverick is an 8 inch rearend with either 2.79 or 3.00 gears. Mavericks NEVER came with 9 inch or 8.8 rearends.
the higher the gear ratio the more torque you'll get off the line but you'll lose top end speed. if you have a low gear ratio then you'll take off slow but be able to cruise at high speeds. kinda like a mountain bike, picture pedaling from a dead stop in the highest gear ratio and then take off in the lowest gear
ok. awesome. thank you. I guess a higher gear is ok then. I don't ever go over 80mph anyway lol. This is all related to an explorer swap I'm hoping to do. thanks again.
Not many straight stretches of road in Boone are there! I'm about 45 minutes from Boone in TN.You have to know some of the Trivettes if you're in Boone. They have had more Mavs and comets than anyone in our area. I have a few parts if you are looking for anything.
Think of this at hwy. speed at 60 mph versas rpm's 2.79 rear gear 1700 rpm 3.00 rear gear 1900 rpm 3.55 rear gear 2250 rpm 4.11 rear gear 3000 rpm 4.56 rear gear 3600 rpm 5.38 rear gear 4200 rpm and so on 2.79 gear slow from stop light 5.38 gear fast from stop light rpm's are not right just examples
BUT!!! 2.79 0-60 on stock motor is like 12 seconds, where 0-60 on 3.80s is more like 8 seconds. Faster off the line, but you better be ready to "cruise 60" at a much higher rpm. (I made those numbers up, not sure what the REAL numbers would be, but the feel would be close to what I posted)
just like on the moutain bike its gonna be super easy to pedal but your gonna have to be cranking really fast to keep going fast lol!
the 8" 8.8" 9" is the description that is used to distinguish some of the different types of diffs that ford has made. the numbers are the diameter of the ring gear. the numbers 2.79, 3.00, 3.25, 3.55 etc... refer to the ratio created by the number of ring gear teeth divided by the number of pinion gear teeth. it means that the drive shaft has to turn the 2.79 times around for the tires to make one revolution for the 2.79 gears. going to a numaricly higher gear set is like puting a longer lever on something. it multiplys the leverage or torque that is applyed to the rear tires. the reason it is called a differental is that it allows the tires to rotate at different speeds so you can turn. a limited slip differential (lsd) or posi, or track loc. referes to the carrier that he ring gear is bolted to. the carrier contains the spider/side gears that allows the tires to rotate at different speeds in turns. the lsd puts some sort of clutch and springs in the carrier that creats a resistance against the sided gears makeing it hader for them to allow the rear end to let the tires differenteate. this gives you more traction when your applying power or in wet or slippery conditions.
A simple way to think of it is the higher the number, the lower the gear ratio 3.55 is a lower gear than a 3.00 3.70 is a lower gear than a 3.55 4.11 is a lower gear than a 3.70
I don't know any of the Trivettes, sorry. But I do live in Boone. Good to know there's mavericks around. I'm a new owner up here. Car's only been on the road successfully once haha.
what creates the gear ratio is the number of teeth on the ring gear and the pinion gear. you divide the ring gear number by the pinion gear number and that gives you the ratio