Anyone know where this rear wing is from? owner said it was on the car when he got it.
I'd say that it is not from the 60's or 70's. I think it is too curved. Probably something more modern off of a 90's or later import or small domestic.
guess what? i think i have it & it's so weird though, cuz it came with my 75 maverick grabber when a bougth it ... i took it off , i wanna go for the grabber spoiler but i always wanted to know from what car its coming from because looks really cool & fits very well too i think i like it better than the mach 1 !!!!!!
My current spoiler is similar to that only it isn't as tall and doesn't flip up in the back. Mine had the tip "extensions" that turn down but the were cracked so they got tossed. Now my spoiler is too short but I fits beautifully and if it had the extensions it would have been perfect. The pedestals are also adjustable for width.
I think it is a mopar wing. Popular on the challengers I think.
if you look at the picture with the truck open you'll see that the wing has a nice curve running down the length of the body. Also the end tips gently curve down and forward... The 96 cobra had a simular wing... thoughts?
Looks similar to the rear spoiler onmy daughter's 96 Mustang. Not sure though. What about the rare 302 4 bolt main engine? What did that come in stock? clint
looks like a cavalier wing I had on my 86 toyota twin cam GT.... the only wing thats looks good on the mavericks is the 69/70 Boss mustang, and it depends where it is installed on the trunk... saw a maverick with a grabber rear spoiler and Boss wing and it does not look right this mustang, I never did like this set-up of two spoilers, eliminate the wing and it looks much better !!!! and this the way they came from the factory !!!!
I was thinking it was only a Boss engine that had 4 bolts. I just can't remember everything anymore. lol Forget where I live some days clint