I was looking at this system which is advertised as a "Boost Cooler". Injects 49% methanol/51% water at certain boost which is adjustable. Appears to be a pretty complete kit for $300. I'm trying to use this with the supercharger I'm running, any thoughts? The website is snowperformance.net
I have a couple of friends who have used a similar kit on boosted applications with great results. I have been looking into one of these kits as well but for a high compression N/A application. The $300 kit is the basic one for N/A use. I think you will spend a few hundred more to get all of the options required to use it on a boosted application. BTW, you can use a certain type of window washer fluid instead of their own concoction. The windshield washer fluid is readily available and cheaper to use than their stuff.
my buddy uses the anderson MR FREEZE he picked up 103rwhp on pump gas with just putting this on no other changes link to the kit http://www.andersonfordmotorsport.com/ link to his car http://www.andersonfordmotorsport.com/cars/JBurr.html not bad for $200 brad
Me and my buddy are both running this kit.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cool...r_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item19b7bd136f bought it from the cooling mist guy on ebay, let him know ur h/p and he'll send you the rigth nozzle. I bought it without the tank, and my buddy bought it with the tank, both ended up just running it outta the window washer tank.
Its injecting a meth/water solution (of your choosing, I'm running 50/50), So your spraying this solution at hi-pressure, which brings down you intake air temps. You set the pressure you want the meth to come on, and that's when the pump goes (example, I have mine coming on around 5psi, and i max out around 13psi, so it sprays for a fair bit.) Boost brings your air temps up ALOT, beacuse your compressing the air right. So, your using it to bring down your air temp = more power.
I used to run an edelbrock vara jection water inj. kit on my first Mav 20 years ago. At 11.5:1 the water injection stopped the engine ping on pump gas instead of backing off the timing. It needed to be run at a minimum though since it does take the place of air/fuel in the cylinder.
talked to the guy in their sales department, for a street engine with higher boost they recommended a stage 2 boost system which is closer to $600. But sounds pretty good, has a controller and totally adjustable for variable spray which can be set. Comes with the carb plates, solenoid, the pump of course and reservoir. They said there is a special kind of windshield fluid that can be used as well. Once I sort out the engine stuff I'll figure out exactly which system to go with.
Sorry guys, Im not a pro and I know enough to keep an engine from failing after I build it I don't understand the working of the water/methanol injection, Im pretty sure I don't want to inject water into my engine but I realize this is being used in an array of street/strip applications and maybe Im thinking wrong about the way this works or maybe Im concentrating to hard on the water? Any explanation on how this process works or why the engine wouldn't be damaged by the water would be appreciated!:
its all about cooling the combustion chamber. the water actually takes up volume in the combustion chamber, increasing the compression. it will turn to steam. the water flashing into steam cleans any carbon off the valves and piston. the methanol (alcohol) has a much higher octane rating so it offsets the compression increase and it burns alot cooler than gas. this helps reduce the combustion temps and fight detination. when you have boosted application, the air going into the motor is compressed and that compression heats up the air. this makes it more prone to detination. the water/methanol injection will act like an intercooler and will make more power. it also works well in high compression motors also.