I haven't been posting since I have been soooo flustered because my shop is plugged up with the kids ranger and the toyota.... I can't even believe, that my poor comet is out in the snow while their piles that don't even run are taking up all the space in the shop!!! And what is even worse... I wasn't even the last one to drive her! By tomorrow she will probably be drifted in.... Any one KNOW how to fix a toyota so I can get my baby back in the shop!!!????!!! Phil
Would be easier than you think.... Jamie, Scrapping it would easier than you think. Since it is right across the road from me, and where I work... but if you saw the size of the kid that owns it... you might think twice..... lol he is the boy that picks up the comet so I can get a block under it.
What kind of toyota what year and whats wrong with it maybe I can help.I work for a toyota dealership.
It is a 1987 Toyota forerunner with a 22 RE. It tries to fire and won't... then it will fire and run for a few seconds and then dies. Looking in the book there are 2 vsv valves listed. But this engine only has one. I THINK that there should be a canister or filter on itthat is missing. I tried to plug the line with my finger.. but that didn't work. I am not sure if it needs 2 since the diagram didn't have it listed in bold. I found a wire... but I don't believe this engine has one since I haven't found it. But I am thinking that the one that is on there isn't working right. Would this keep it from running? I think this had the California emmissions but was removed by a previous owner.
Well we always thought that the snow was SUPPOSED to be up north...But Dang it... it fell down here on US... And according to the weather channel...The radar didn't show ANY snow over me here in Elko, NV... But there were chain laws in effect all day today.
White Misery on Comet That is white misery on the Comet. For years I worked on flight lines in that stuff, that is why I retired in TEXAS! TEXASjack
Just another OMG on my poor Comet.... It was 17* BELOW zero this morning and yes... my poor Comet is covered in snow and freezing!
Thinking about getting the food coloring out! OH yeah.... I could drink a beer and do it that way....
it was -7 this morning and apparently my truck batt isnt rated for that cold sooooo.... hope your ready cause i think its coming to your side too... my comet is in the back getting snowed on too, but the grabber is in the garage. just wish i had a heater out there. your fairly nice though to let other people kick your stuff out of the garage, my sons truck just lost its water pump but its in the grave driveway off to the side until he fixes it or i part it out..... good luck
Northern NV stats.... Monday: Snowed 6" Tues: -17* Wens: -23* Thurs: -22* Friday: To be Annouced... But the good news is... The Comet started this morning... I am tired of this cold and want to move to the Laughlin, NV yard... But I haven't got them talked into putting a scrap yard down south yet... I'm working on it though!!