i some times can't belive people. it's like when you go ask about a beat up 4 door car and the person tells you that they want way more than it's worth because it's an old car!!!!
Saw that a while back and figured he just threw that number out there to see if some genius would buy it. I cant see him being serious about that price. Hell if that sells for 30grand My car is up for sale.
Lots of differences between that car and a Brazillian GT I can gurantee that. Or should I say, side pipe covers and GT stripes do not a Brazilian Maverick make
I think i figured out why he's asking so much:Grabber Hood (Like a Brazilian Ford Maveric GT 1974) maybe?
His name sounds familure. He could have that kinda money in the car and wants to make it back. Even tho I think the price is high, who knows what someone will pay? It does say OBO.
I would say he has over $30,000 in it and if its a beautiful car in person it is worth it. Where i work you can get a $20,000 bill just in body work!
yah i seen this car on here and on craigs list it is a VERY nice car if it was a mustang it might be worth more than that ????????????????????? look at this craigslist add of the car http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/cto/1551966559.html kinda cool car http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/cto/1554086899.html