Advance doesn't stock direct fit cables, all they have is a universal cable that's "cut to fit" And the ones Mustangs unlimited stocks are all too long. Found a close fit on O'Reilly's site for $19. It's 7" longer though (63" vs my 56")
Thanks, I already ordered one from O'Reilly's. Hopefully it doesn't have the plastic speedo head end that the original had, that twisted off.
That's the one I ordered. It was $19 with the shipping. It is a direct fit, but 7" longer than the one I pulled out of the Comet.
Got the new speedo cable in the car today. It doesn't have the plastic speedo head end like the original had. All metal. Little longer than the old one, but nothing you can't work around.
Thats good to know i'm sure the metal will be more durable.I ended up using a fox mustang cable in mine cause I needed a longer one myself