This is my Maverick '77, with the 302. Im in Monterrey, Mx, i'm trying to fix my car, the paint is fine, but i dont know if the strip look good goint to up, is something like mustang. Now my mav is with the mech, repairing the suspension. Just is pending the interior, im looking for bucket seat but it will be in a nearly future. now just i want feel something of performance in the handling and then the other things. I appreciate so much some advice of your for try to repair my car in a form more optimal. Too, congratulation for this site, although im not write in it so much i see it many times, is good know that there are many crazy peoples that like the maverick so much like me. Well, see you and hello for everybody Pd. Sorry for my bad english.
Monterrey Maverick Hi, Mavzac: Welcome to the Maverick/Comet Forums. I am one of the crazy people who like Mavericks! If you ever have any question, feel free to ask us. Someone here can answer the question for you. -DAB (I live in Austin, Texas) O..... Apenas en caso de que usted no puede entender mi mensaje, lo he traducido abajo con Hi, Mavzac: Recepción a los foros de Maverick/Comet. ¡Soy uno de la gente loca que como Mavericks! Si usted tiene siempre cualquier pregunta, sensación libremente a preguntarnos. Alguien aquí puede contestar a la pregunta para usted. -DAB (vivo en Austin, Tejas)
nice rims Hi mavzac I am also from Mexico, your maverick looks pretty good. Mine is also in the restoring process, recently I striped the old paint and now it is only on primer but I hope to have it finished it soon. I was wondering what kind of rims are those. They look good. Have a nice ride. By the way. Even I am from Mexico City I am not going to translate my message, my english is not very good neither.
Thanks for you offer, DAB. Im sure that I'll need your help in future, there are others ideas in my mind and sure more doubts about its. Have a nice day, and Thanks again,
Que tal Mauverick, supongo hablas español, asi que sera mas sencillo. Es bueno saber de paisas que les guste el maverick. Me preguntas de los rines, pues realmente me los encontre en un junker, lo unico que se es que son 14'', de aluminio, estan bien en general, solo les hace falta una pulida. Realmente solo he visto otro coche con esos rines, no se el modelo, ni la marca, ni siquiera estoy seguro que tengan marca. Pero bueno me gustaron cuando los vi y pues ahi tan puestos. Saludos. Y buena suerte con la restauracion de tu maverick. This is my bad intent of traslation, sorry. HI Mauverick, i suppose that you speak spanish, so it will be more easy. Is good know of mexicans that like the maverick. You asking me about the rims, I found them in yunkyard, only Im know there are 14'', of aluminium, in good shape, just need a polished. Just i saw another car with this rims but I dont know the model and trademark neither, well im not sure that they have trademark, but good liked when I saw I and then ahi so put. Greetings. And good luck with the restoration of your maverick.
Perfect Si así es, definitivamente mi español es mucho mejor que mi ingles. Los rines que tienes los he visto en mavekos brasileños (como ellos los llaman). Probablemente vengan desde allá. Pues seguimos en contacto, espero pronto publicar alguna foto de mi maverick. Saludos. That´s right, My spanish is much better than my english. I have seen similar rims as yours in brasilian mavekos (as they call them). Probably they came from there. Well, We keep in touch, I hope I will publish a picture from my maverick soon. Have a good day.
jaja es todo ay la llevan inches mexicanos kmo yo jaja io tambien tngo un ford maverick 72 302 y yo tngo otro problema apnas 2 meses q lo tngo lo compre kn un problema y la neta no tngo dinero y no eh ido a que lo revisen pro lo q pasaba que kuando frenaba la llanta izquierda delantera temblaba y l volante se me mobia un poko asta qla manguera dl aseite del power se rompio y ahi lo tngo dsd dos semanas parado . . que es lo que tiene ? verdad q nesesita otra suspension delantera ? grasias en vrdad nesesito su ayuda io ty loko x mi mavik pro no se ni madres d mecanik io solo se arreglar komputadoras y aser disenos grafikos soy d michoacan vali jajaj . . pro vivo en california . . grasias !!
now in english . . Like I was saying to my mexican friends . . I got a 1972 ford maverick 302 provably around two months ago . . When i resently got it everything was all good, good perfonmance but when I hit the brake the front left tire used to shake and I feel it too on the steering wheel and I was using it like that but sudenly all the oil went out so I couldn't use it any more . . I need another suspension rite ?? i dont know much about cars as you can see Im more of like a computer guy I fix computers and im also a graphic designer please I need help ooh and any kind of pricing please . . thank you . . I will show pictures I promise !!
No, it is an american car I think jaja . . Some of my friends told me the same thing but somebody else told me somthing diferent but as soon as i got money ill go check it. than you !! do you speak espanish ?
i saw that you listed your mav as a "GT" and they only had those in Mexico and Brazil, that's why i thought it was a Mexican model. And yes i speak Spanish, Spanglish also some Finnish
jejej ok . . naw the thing is that when i bought it i didn't know anything about cars and I stil but the owner of my mavick put two stikers saying maverick II GT and then bellow that says nextest systems corporation . . but now i know that doesn't mean anything i will take that of . . aserk d lo otro pero creo q me dijieron que era tambien un brazo o algo asi dl los brazos del power . . pro no se. bueno grasias ahora lo se eso d lo de gt . . bueno grasias y ay estamos en kontacto !!
Que te paso mi amigo? Ni español ni ingles? Creo que algunos de nosotros no entendimos ni uno ni el otro y me temo que no hay forma de buscar un traductor en linea con tu ortografia. Pero bienvenido al foro mas amigable del planeta!!!
Cool color! Do you know what the name of it is? My car is going through some restoration right now but I'm open for colors. I'd like to go with a shade of red mybe even burgundy. I like that shede on your and the black stripe is cool.