Lately when I release the throttle the rpms like to linger around 2000 for awhile before slowly going down to idle. My car has a manual in it so when I change gears it pulls the idle down or where ever it needs to be so I can still drive it but it's still a issue that needs to be resulved. This happened before and all I did was spray down all the external linkages on the carburator (edelbrock 1405) as well as the throttle cable with carb cleaner and that helped for a while but now it's back... I've been running this carb for along time with no problems than this happened first about 4 months ago and now today. Any ideas what could be causing this? My return spring is strong enough and it's NOT fully compressed at idle so theres constant tension on it. I plan on just spraying more carb cleaner on it and hope for the best but some input would be appreciated. thank you.
Push your choke into the dash. Sounds like your carb needs a good cleaning if last time you just sprayed it down with cleaner it helped. Makes me think that it's sticky on the pivots, and the spring isn't strong enough to quickly overcome it. If you put a tighter spring on it and it solves the problem, that was it.
Is that about the only thing it could be? could vacuum be a posible culprit? and yes the choke is all the way in... all it does is bog the thing down anyway if I pull it more than closing the butterflys...
Had a similar problem once. The bracket on the inside firewall that holds the gas pedal rod was binding and needed lubed. Maybe you got one of those Toyota pedals?
Disconnect the throttle cable and try reving the carb. If it still has a problem, the problem is in the carb. If not, its your cable.
Lube it but also check the gasket between the carb and spacer and or intake. The butterflies can stick on those. Might only happen after the secondaries have been opened clint
While running it put hand over the carb to see if it will die, f not than you have a vacuum leak which raises idle and will hold it there. What type of chock pull off do you have? If heat riser type could be the spring is weak and not pulling chock all the way off. May have the same problem if it's vacuum pulled. just a thought may have weak spring.
The engine compartment is a dirty, dusty place and if you lube the linkage with spray lube just make sure it is a dry lube. If you oil the linkage or cable all that dust and dirt will stick to it and either cause wear or sticking. I was always taught that you NEVER lube linkage unless you use wax or dry graphite , silicone lube.