car-nut GREAT Job ,i like a guy that cuts,chops and welds,looks good on you and and i might say on your car to .I can allready picture it finished in my minds eye and it looks great ,well done friend
Wow, that looks great. How do you guys feel about transforming or making modern changes to the the Mavs?
I say this all the time; Anyone can restore a car, but it takes a real hot rodder to cut one up and make it cool.
Thanks for the compliments on my work. I find this kind of work natural. But making a car run fast the way you do is beyond my skill level. We all have our things, right? Know one wants to see this done more than me.. well maybe my daughter. There is a long way to go on this car. I generally only get out in the garage on Saturdays. It's too hard to spend a lot of time between the job and family. I need to find a way to earn money and be able to stay in the garage working on my projects! I say it depends on the car. My father in law has a 34 Bentley that is one of three. Now I look at that thing and think it would make an awesome street rod. But if anyone ever cut it up they would kill it's heritage and pedigree. I know some people may not like the fact that I am doing this to a Sprint, but to me it's what I had to work with and I own the car.
That is one of the most over used terms there is...Or, "it takes a real man to cut one up" Most of the time, it's more like "It takes a dumb man to wreck something good" regardless, if your into Restoration, or Hot Rodding, if you've got the skills to do the work, that's what should be noticed. A well built car, either restored or hot rodded, will gather it's own attention. There's always another one, out there somewhere, so it's not like anyone is chopping up a one of a kind.
car-nut ,i believe it does take a man with guts and balls to cut up a classic car or a perfect part to make it serve HIS purpose,if the end result is great.Look at George Barris took a classic 69 GTO convertable and created Ther Monkeemobile that is now worth 10 times more than the original car value to a collector,also look what else George Barris did to build the 1966 Batmobile, oh and the Munsters ,Munstermobile and the Dragula,then there was Boyd Coddington, Now days theres Chip Foose.Now im not saying you or i will ever be a George Barris or a Chip Foose but we can build our cars to serve our needs . By the way both George Barris and Chip Foose are going to be at a tradex car show in my town in three weeks and im bringing my Grabber cowl hood to have both of then sign the hood after its painted but not cleared ,i will clear it after its signed.It will be something fun to do and why not ,it will make a good conversation piece at the track and a few car shows
I originally got the slogan from a drag racer 35 years ago. He had a '56 Nomad he was running Super Gas (9.90 index) with. On the tail gate it said the same thing except insert Drag Racer for Hot Rodder. Yeah, it's been around a while and I've used it for over 30 years myself. I started using to Piss off the restorers I knew.
thanks guys just wondered, I remember years ago, though being told not to by the old mechanics, I bought new tools for my tool box and boy did it go faster. So this old man is on his death bed and his wife of many years sits at his side. He looks at her with loving eyes and says, "dear I remember when we first got married, I lost my job and you were there,than when I lost the business you were there, and latter when the IRS said I owed them over $200,000 you were there then when I got sick you were there, and now here I am on my death bed and you are here...Dear, I think your Bad Luck".
Umm, just for future reference, George Barris didn't build the Monkeymobile...Dean Jeffries did, George re-modeled it many years later... That's a picture, I took of it at one of our local car shows, the same show has also been featured on "Car Crazy" Hi-jack over. Either way, I want to know if your going to use the LED tail light conversions??
Dang! I wish that panel had been available when I first did mine. I wouldn't have the stress cracks I now have. I'm really glad to see this post though because I was getting ready to purchase another fiberglas one (better quality) and redo it. Now...I'll certainly go with that metal one! Thanks for posting this. Dave, I recently took out my old Shelby/T-Bird lights and replaced them with the new LED kits. Unbelievable!!! They are much brighter and the sequentials work perfect everytime! I highly recommend them.
Thats exactly what held me off from doing this is the fiberglass panel. This metal one is the ticket. I think Im gonna have to get me one.
So does this make me the test mule? This is exactly the reason I chose to go the steel route. Here in Conn. where the weather changes every ten minutes I was affraid of the fiberglass panel cracking. I think the steel one is definately the way to go. It is a very nice piece, comes with a nice e-coat finish for corrosion and it fit fairly well all things considered. I am thrilled with it and feel it was money well spent! Oh and Dave, yes I am planning on running the LED's. They are so bright that for safety's sake it is a must for me. ON my 47 Ford I was running the standard single bulb 1157's. My wife was following me once, after we got to our destination she made a comment about my lights. She said that for her it wasn't a problem because she was looking for them, but you really could not see my brake lights. The next week I swapped them out for LED's, and they are so bright now.
Hey test mule...where did you buy yours from? I looked for it on NPD website and cannot find it, maybe they dont carry them yet.???
He got his from Mustangs Unlimited