My Mom found some old photos of my first Mavs when I was a teenager. These pics are from around 1988. This was my second Mav. 71 V8 car. V8 Parts car due to rust. Paid 50 dollars complete and driving.(till I cut it up) Got me hooked on V8 Mavs instantly!! This was my third Mav. 69.5 I6/7.25 rear car. Used as the shell for my 302 project that got finished a few years after this. The bike is a 78 CZ Jawa 125 oval track bike. Should have kept it. DUH!! And no it doesnt snow up here all the time. Just happened to be Winter pics. Real men ride dirt bikes in snow, or is it dumb kids ride dirt bikes in snow??LOL. Where the hell is my helmet?? Gees I hope my kids dont see this. My brother posing for a parts shot. Notice the house in the background? That was the old Italian ladies house who loved to call the police on me for loud exhaust or burn outs up the road. Likely had something to do with the huge open header burn out I did when I got my 302 car built and lost her house in a cloud of tire smoke. Her husband loved the cars but he passed away and she went kind of nutty. My partner in crime and myself lookin very young putting a 289 together for his 65 Comet. We found this engine at a wreckers in a Cougar with brand new gaskets and rebuild tag. Turned out to be like new and we paid 75 bucks for it complete carb to pan. The good old days for sure. Wonder how many engines we did in that gravel driveway of mine?? No wonder my backs screwed.LOL. My first Mav was a I6 car in red primer with the Slots you see in the first pic I transfered to the V8 car. Turned out too rusty to keep. Also had a 76 that I bought for the doors and parts. We towed it home with our 78 F150 with a big yellow rope. Couldnt figure out why my brother was all over the road in it till we got home and found the steering box had rotted right off the frame. LOL.
Ahhhh 1988, that's the year I bought my first Maverick!! Awesome pic's thanks for sharing! I remember building my first engine in my Mom's shed, it wasn't fun getting it across the grass to the driveway.
I dont have a pic of that one. The Mav in the first pic has the Slots on the back from the red primer one. I scrapped the red one when I got the V8 car.
Great pics! We didn't think twice about rebuilding or changing a motor in the driveway back then...good times!
Thats the stuff we get up here so they could dump tons of salt on the road that sent most of our Mavs and Comets to the wreckers in the 80's.