Does anyone know if there are louvers available for our cars? I'm nowhere near the cosmetic stage on my car but would love to know if the aftermarket has them available. Are there any from other makes that may fit or need some (preferably) minor modifications?
I've been kicking around the Idea of adapting some '05 and up Mustang ones to fit. I haven't taken any measurements or anything, just an idea.
I just talked to him about the louver...he has it and wants $700. To rich for my blood. Ill wait that one out.
I was kicking around that idea also... the problem with Louvers with Mavericks/Comets is a problem of Trunk clearance... So you either have to get some custom build that lower the bottom 2 or so against the glas when you want to open the trunk... custom mod the trunk to come out when opening, or forgo the cottom one or two louvers which I think looks silly... The ones I uploaded are what I came up with, though they are kind of custum Fabricated... I'm not sure if you can see the bottom, but you can lift them up off the window to be able to have trunk access. You could always make some yourself if you have the tools/know what specs your rear window are... As far as side goes, I WANT to eventually custom fab some in the fashion of the 67/68 Shelby gt500... but that is MUCH further into the future...
Sorry, don't have my extra set any longer. They did sell...for asking price. I wouldn't have sold them otherwise. Good luck to you lady, they are VERY hard to find.
Rear Window Louvers Hi Ray: I have a set here in Florida . We're going to make a reproduction set out of Aluminum (1/16th inch thick slats) I may have to have a new extrusion made for a part of them . I think Aluminum will be stronger instead of the plastic. I think they will wear better, be more durable , and look just as good . I'll keep everyone posted when we finish our prototypes. Cometized Incidentally , did you read my post about the Power Tour going through Alabama ? Just curious . C
I found the post from the guy who fabs them but hadn't realized he was in Brazil. Those louvres above look really good but I can't see the trunk-clearing design bit. Is that a computer generated image or something you actually fabbed up because it looks awesome!
Sounds like a good venture to me, keep us updated on the progress!It'll be a while before I get anything but I think it'll be the perfect finishing touch for the car.
When you say plastic, do you mean the ones you have are plastic? Or you choose aluminum over plastic to reproduce them? Both of my sets are all metal, however I think the aluminum should work out great! And yes, I saw the post about the Power Tour. Looking forward to it!!!
Louvers for Mavericks and Comets Rear Window Hi Ray: The set I have are Aluminum. I have been in touch with a bunch of firms that "extrude" both metal AND plastic . I believe Aluminum is the way to go and I have most of the machinery here already to do what I think needs to be done to make a "nice" unit. We have CNC units and punch presses and welders which are essentially the tools I would need to reproduce these. The bending I can manage by utilizing some techniques we already perform on other products we manufacture. When I make these , I 'm not going to make just a couple . If I'm going to do this , I'll make a bunch of them so I can keep costs down and make them available to everyone who would be interested. I may have to "reverse engineer" the set I already have but I'm trying to avoid that if possible. Incidentally , I pulled up the article on your Maverick and want to extend my congratulations on your publishing. Way to go ! Those of us who have seen your car "up close" and in the flesh so to speak can appreciate it for what it is . The photos are great and show a lot of detail. I tried to extend my congrats earlier on another post but couldn't manage to "send" the message. I hope this one will suffice. Well deserved Ray . See ya later Cometized