I'm taking my car to the alignment shop tomorrow and i was wondering if anyone has the alignment specs for a 70 maverick. Last time i took my 66 fairlane to the shop they didn't have specific alignment information for the older cars. I know they could get it close without having the exact numbers but it would be nice to be able to show up with all the correct info
Here are the specs I used on mine: Caster: 3.5 degrees positive Camber: 1.5 degrees negative Toe in 1/8" you should be happy with that if you have power steering - if not then reduce the caster to 2 degrees positive.
PAULS Can i do this for my 71 comet it has power steering? Caster: 3.5 degrees positive Camber: 1.5 degrees negative Toe in 1/8"
Yes, it will work with any power steering car. With manual steering it makes it a bit harder to turn when at rest (not moving) because of the increased caster - that is why the lower number for caster on manual steering cars. The camber causes you to have to "lift" the car as the wheels turn from the center position. With manual steering it adds some effort to the "at rest" turning but with power steering you won't notice it. The car runs straight and true down the highway and still handles a lot better around the corners.
sorry to thread jump but I had a question, I went to a alignment shop the other day and they were really against doing those custom specs for me and the ones I was trying to do were not that extream. they even set the left and right caster differant "to compensate for the radius of the road" is what he said as to why he did that... Does that even make scince or should they be the same left/right? this is what he gave me. camber(left/right) +0.3 / +0.2 degrees caster (left/right) -0.7 / -0.3 degrees toe (left/right) +0.19 / +0.18 degrees total toe +0.37 degrees steer ahead 0.00 degree what do you think? what should I do? now the thing pulls to the left and is squirrely at 45mph up. I'd appreciate some help, I'm going by tomarrow to have them check or redo it... I'll be checking this all night tonight. so I could definitly use some help on this. it's a daily driver so it doesn't need to be extream. I wounder if I should ask for settings still within the "stock range" that is closer to what I want or just say screw it to stock range and do something else all togeather... still in stock range and closest to modern standards camber -0.8 degrees caster +0.5 degrees toe... ? I don't know stock... or should I just go with dazecars settings?
camber(left/right) -0.6 / -0.1 degrees caster ? toe(left/right) 0.15 / 0.11 total toe 0.26 degrees steer ahead 0.00 degree Dont know what it means but these are mine from my alignment!
You got an alignment crew that was too lazy to do it right. The specs should always be consistant from right to left - ALWAYS! The road crown was used for alignment back when there was a similar crown on every road but now it is completely arbitrary.For best hadling you want a negative camber (same on both sides) and a positive caster (on both sides - it keeps you straight as you go down the road) and a toe in that compensates for the spread of the wheels under braking. (it keeps the braking in a straight line) Take it back to them and insist that they make it right - at their cost. If they want to charge you to do it then find a reputable place that will align it properly - you already found one that won't.
well just got back from the alignment shop, so far so good, here is what they gave me. camber (left/right) = -0.2 / -0.3 degrees caster (left/right) = 1.9 / 1.9 degrees toe (left/right) = 0.09 / 0.07 degrees total toe = 0.16 degrees steer ahead = 0.01 degrees They told me with all the time they put in on it they will have to charge me again if I have them do it again. thanks everyone. where do you arizona guys take your car to get the specs you want without getting flak for it? thanks again.
After all my complete front end suspension rebuild, I am noticing wear on the inner edges of the front tires. It wouldnt bother me so much except that ther is cupping and feathering of the sipes, or slits on the tires. My specs that I had them do was 2 degrees Caster -1 degree camber and 1/8 toe. I'm going to go back there and ask for advise but I'm asking here first! Waking up a zombie thread i know. Seemed better to ad my 2 cents to this than create a new thread... ideas anybody? I wish i had not seen the tire wear,,, the car handles SUPERBLY..
I used to do alignments back in the early eighties and I always set everything 1/16 toe'd in you get the best tire wear with that spec