Well, I'm out. I just got a summons for court on the Monday after, and there's no way I can take Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and now Monday off work. All for the stupid chick that rammed my pickup.
I'm shooting to be there all day Saturday, probably without the Mav as I may want to be able to haul some parts back.
Wife Just told me that I will be staying at the homewood suites by hilton in mechanicsburg, pa about 12 miles from carlise fair grounds. Anyone else going to be staying there or near there?
Ill be there from wensday until sunday. I work for Tony Branda. If anyone gets a chance stop by. Jesse
I just found out that it was extended and will be open Thursday. I just might drive up Thursday to do the flea market and return on Saturday to look at all of the cars. It seems I'm gettin old and can't seem to do both in one day anymore. Yo Dave, I guess we won't be exchanging birthday gifts?
Dave sorry about that problem, but I'll send you some pictures from the meet so you won't miss much freind. James.
I packed up my backpack last nite with all my essentials. camera , parts book , want list. Im going up tomorrow for the flea market area and then if the weather permits Im going back Saturday for the car show. Anyone else heading up Thursday?
I had planned on attending with one of the Cougars. However, I do not have enough vacation days to do both this show and the one I usually attend in Louisville, Ky in August with the Kentuckiana Classic Cougar Club, of which I am a member. I can combine going to the show, visiting with friends, and staying with my sister in my hometown about 60 miles south of Louisville for a few days. I retire in 3 months, so next year won't be a problem for me. Hope all of you have a great time! Jim
Weather report is calling for rain Thursday pm , rain Friday, sun on Saturday and rain on Sunday. Plan accordingly .......
I am picking up Doug at the airport in a few hours and we will be up tomorrow morning. MY cell is 410 507 7747 if anyone wants to hang out. We always stay on the grounds till late saturday night.