My first car was a rusted out 71 Mav 4 door. All my dad could afford. Fix it up, then rolled and totaled it. Now that im 42 and divorced, I can do what I want and decided to get another one. Got a 70 grabber. Mid life crises and all.
Cool to see this Post is still Floating around. I still injoy working and finding parts for my Maverick. Nice simple car.....
mine was given to me but i became a maverick fiend when building and driving my starsky and hutch 4 door. and because it isnt just another cookie cutter mustang or _________ with a chevy 350
When i was a kid my uncle buy a 2 doors 302 75 Maverick, being the second owner the car was just beautiful, the seats, the lines, the feeling when you got in, the way it look with the rear tires bigger than the front ones, was just amazing... but the engine roar crumbling eeeeeeverything on it way was just speachless like an earthquake coming to you, your mind blows off, your feets loosing the floor and your skin got chiken pops... how you couldn't want a Ford Maverick? by the way it was 1985, i was 4 years old and was the moment when i started to love muscle car no matter living in Yucatán México were no much people have one. greetins from here to all the way up.
i've always been one who did his own thing, and liked things that were differant then what everyone else was doin and the bodyline and all the options of what you can do with a Maverick is just awsome!
My parents had a few different things that they allowed me to drive before I got my first car. We had a 95 toyota 4 wheel drive but we bought a bum engine block from a crappy place in Portland. They wouldn't do anything for us as far as exchanging or repairing the block, and we had a friend of my dad, Dale Maslen, work on it. The problem was much beyond the practicality of keeping the engine, so while it was still running we got rid of it. Then we got an 03 corolla, but my mom wanted to drive it since it got better mileage than our expedition. I decided that merely borrowing my parents' cars was not going to cut it, so I started looking around for things that fit my interests. There was no way my mom would allow me to get a muscle car of the mustang/camaro/charger caliber, so I looked for alternatives. I stumbled upon the maverick and loved it. I searched craigslist for a few weeks and found the one I have now. The trip to get it took fourteen long hours from Hillsboro to the Sea-Tac area of Washington. Our trailer lights failed on the way there and we had to stop for a couple of hours to repair it. $1500 well spent for the car. It is my first car and I absolutely love it.
In 1970 I tried one out but ended up buying a Type NW torino insted. I have always liked the body style but never seemed to find the right one.Now that I have retired and sold my other car projects, I found my 77 mav on a local site and went to look at it. One owner, garage kept, no rust, good paint and interior and just 2k, the answer was easy. A few months later and a few dollars more and I have a nice dependable daily driver.
When I got my car it was headed to the junkyard. I had stopped to get a drink at our local convenience store and a wrecker driver came in for a drink also. I saw the Maverick and asked the guy where he was taking it. He told me the people who owned it had died and the family's estate didn`t want the car. I bought it right then and it was taken to my house ½ mile away. I was so lucky. Another couple of minutes and this nice car would have been ground up to make Toyota`s! This was almost 6yrs ago,and my car grows on me everyday!
Maybe that would have straightened out their stuck throttle problems - add a dash of Maverick to the mix
I never owned one before this one, but I've always liked them. There is a guy from Kinston, N.C., who owns to this day, an orange with black vinyl top '72 with a 306 c.i. that would run low 6.90s in the 1/8th all day long through the mufflers. Needless to say, he was called the 302 doctor. I used to watch it run in the early 90's, and I just loved it. But, it still runs today, except now it runs 6.70s. That one hooked me on the Maverick, and Ican't believe that they are still affordable, at least in raw form.
i was sixteen when my father bought me a 76 maverick straight six 200 i thought this was the coolist car ever im 33 years old and still loving these cars i own a 75 maverick and work in progress so all in all id say my father got me interested in these cars
My first car was a 72 Comet GT when I joined the military back in 1983, 302 three speed. I loved that car but had to sell due to going overseas. Agree that they are beautiful different cars and not a Mustang. I own three Mustangs and a 71 Maverick and a 72 Comet GT.