What is the difference between the deluxe gas cap that has the word Maverick in it and the one that doesn't??
the year it was made and the fact that the one that does NOT have the word "MAVERICK" on it normally has two ears on the back and the one that DOES have the word MAVERICK on the back normally has 4 ears on the back.
Pretty sure one is vented and one is not. Difference between early leaded gas and later model UNleaded gas models. NO "Maverick" two ears http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/e...46333&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME:B:WNA:US:1123 WITH "MAVERICK" 4 ears http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford...ptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
The top one has no vent while the bottom one clearly shows the vent in the center. My deluxe caps for my 72 have the vent with two ears and do not say "MAVERICK" I hope that clears things up.:confused:
That is not a vent. It is a one way check valve. It allows air to come into the tank but blocks gas fumes from going out. They are sucked into the canister up front. The check valve is to prevent you from pulling a vacuum in your gas tank as fuel and vapors are sucked up front. HOWEVER...... Take a drill bit the size of the hole and drill out the check valve. Its plastic. Now you will have a vented cap and can get rid of the canister.
My cap is a big ally lump with a push button on the right which makes it "clonk" open, think it just says FORD on it- what does that make mine???
Mine is different from all those shown,too. It has only the horns with a very fine spline edge around the outside. It`s a two prong inside not vented. I`d love to find that locking cable assembly to put on mine,but there is no inner attachment like on the one that has it. Well,nobody`s stolen it yet so I`ll just keep my fingers crossed!
Your's is not a DELUXE cap. your's prolly looks like this which is the STANDARD Maverick Gas cap and you are right. There is no way to attach a cable to that one. You either need to get a Deluxe cap witht he anti-theft cable or get yourself a locking cap like this one
I got my cap from a 4 door in the junk yard, it doesn't have the emblem or the word maverick. What is mine?
To DaMadman,thanks for the info! We really don`t have a problem with theft where I live. I would just be upset if it grew legs! My car is pretty much original,including the gas cap!