How about the saddle bushings? How do those look? Also, be sure to get the upper spring rubber seats. So in essence, you need, in order to do a through spring job.. *Upper controll bushings (get Moog brand) Also need to get grease zerks that you can get to for greasing *Springs (need to know what rating) *Spring seats, upper and lower (I call the lowers saddles) *Ball joints (Moog) *Shocks You can resist the urge to scrubb and clean and sandblast for can clean a little and just put it back together Local parts stores will loan or rent tools like spring compressors.
good thing this site is alive, i did not know that the spring seats are interchangable. i thought you just pull and swap.
I am not sure what you mean by interchangeable. You might do a search here for spring seats. Then you can determine if you need to mess with them. You can just pull and swap, you just need to make sure all the parts are good.
if you want it done right, may as well change everything. this way you dont have to tear it back down to go after something trivial.
What part you need for the sway bar? I will just grab that for you too, i don't need no stinkin sway bar LOL Mines a 74 not sure if theres any difference in sway bars or not.
the front secure point where the bushing wraps around. they might come in a kit of bushing replacements idk. someone here should know.
if your replacing it all theres kits on ebay with new upper and lower control arms made of a little thicker gauge metal for a good deal with spring and all the bushing you needs that what i did and they are very good
my upper control arm on pass side has the ball joint weld to it. am i going to have to replace that or just have it drilled out?
Best to grind off the heads and use a air hammer to drive the rivets out. Could use a hammer chissel to shear the heads off then drive the rivet out.
first i tried the air hammer, then i tried the cutting wheel, then i tried a drill. is it that the drivers side has been replaced at one time?
If it has nuts and bolts it's been replaced before. The chissel needs to be sharp.. those rivets are pretty hard.