I swapped out one of the mechanical advance spring to a Mr. Gasket 925D spring and bent the other tab anchor 3/32" in my factory distributor and woke up some sleeping horses. If I keep my foot off the floor my gas mileage should go up too. For only $4.25 and 25 minutes time it feels like 10-15 easy horsepower. I recommend this modification to anyone who is still running a factory distributor. Here is what I did. http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/maverick_27.html
he has a dura spark igniton. pertonix would not do anything for him. this mod is for the timeing curve not a eletronic conversion. pertronix dont have any effect on timeing curves.
You mean Duraspark. Well, ya, I suppose the 1st I'd do is pitch the Duraspark. But that's just me.....
Dura-spark with its larger cap controls arcing and ionizing whereas a Pertronix doesn't. You can run 8mm wires on a Dura-spark and Pertronix you are limited to 7mm. You can buy replacment parts for a Dura-spark anywhere. With Pertronix you can't. Only thing Pertronic has going for itself is easy to wire. On the other hand the Dura-spark wiring is not that hard to wire because all the extra wiring is in the harness. http://forums.vintage-mustang.com/vintage-mustang-forum/459040-pertronix-ii-vs-duraspark.html http://www.kastang.info/pertvds2.html
I ended up with a billet Mallory off an old Sears Point racecar for free. How could I say no to that?
I like the looks of the big cap over the points style small cap. But mine came with it from the factory so i didnt have a choice either thanks for the write up Jeff! Good stuff. I think mr gasket also sells an adjustable vacuum advance unit. And since ive broken a couple of the stocks ones trying to adjust them im going to try one of these!
I really need to do that.. many people have told me about it, but I've always been afraid to monkey around inside the distributor and jack something up.