Dose anyone know of anyplace where i can get one of those carbon fiber hoods? i know mauerick man i selling some but by tha time i get tha money togeather they be all gone. some prices would be nice to. its eather that or fiberglass.
If you want carbon fiber you're not going to beat his price. And I wouldn't take a chance on buying a fiberglass one unless you could check the fit before you pay. Not worth the time it takes to make it fit. Get the c/f one and you're finished. He's selling them for the time being with free shipping. May never get that chance again.
Yes, my CF Cowl hood from Maverick Man fit great.....The rear spoiler I purchased from him (First batch, I believe he corrected the others since) was a tad bit off, but I made it work with a lil packing to make it fit big deal in the long run......besides even the factory spoiler from car to car were tad off and suspect.....I think they had a couple different molds to fit the little nuances from each car etc.....(just a guess) I have seen a couple question it and say ask " how could it be the best"....It is the best ....simply put....It fits almost perfect and I barley had to make an adjustments I pretty much slapped it on adjusted the the rubber stoppers and voila one happy mavericker I be!!! Handshake Derek has championed this cars longer than most and been a big help in the community. My hats off to him. His 1992 or 93 article in Superford magazine called Maverick Man( I still have a copy) inspired me to build a maverick after my father brought it home.( I was ashamed of it to be honest)...I begged for a Mach 1 mustang 1969-72. We were poor I got what he could afford.. Other than the dirt biking my father got me into it is the only other thing he did for me that I really appreciated. Other wise he was a mean drunk who would rather beat you up then look at you. Made me tough of course.....but any love would have tempered me in my early 20s I suspect....who knows??? better left in the past I suppose.....(sigh)
or you can get jimmy 2 gates grabber cowl hood
Yes another cool alternative.....and Jimmy is a stand up guy....a bit but makes for an interesting guy!!!!!Jimmy is a good friend to me!!! Stood by me through some rough times!!! Talked to me when I needed somebody!!!! His hood looks great Hopefully once a couple guys get it we can get feedback on the fit and quality!!! which looks great in the pics!!!! GO JIMMY GO JIMMY GO JIMMY get your cowl hoodon ...get your cowl hood on...GO GO GO!!!
kool i will shoot jimmy a pm when i have tha money to get it. trying to sell some parts off right now to put towards one.
do that and you will NOT regret it! i have had only one issue with one and that one got damaged. and being the nice guy i am i shipped the guy another one trusting that being on the forums here he would return or sell it and give me my money for it. WRONG he did neither. i never hear from him again . when i talked with him on the phone he was like "who is this? huh what? don't know what your talking about?" so someone on here has two of my hoods. GRRRRRR! anyways you cannot go wrong with my hood. for one you don't need to paint it two you can paint if you want to. most if not all fiberglass hoods will need work done to it as well as to be painted. you'll have more in the hood then buying mine in the first place. exactly! an easy catch is they says it comes with a hood striker or latch or says it fits the OE windshield wiper squirters. dead giveaway. lol! please don't tell others i inspired you! for shame!
kool soon as i sell these parts i dont need you can be sure i will be your next customer. how much is shipping to nc
He's offering free shipping right now...better get it while you can before he changes it! I believe the price delivered is $675. Derrick will correct me if I am wrong!
yep yep your right! 100% right! it is free shipping right now. and yes later on i will not be doing this. i will be still making hoods but for now i need to room really bad for other stuff. hoods take up way too much room and you cannot stack things on top of them. a total waist of space. so people lets get on this.