does any one have any idea where i could get a sending unit for a 74 mav 15gallon. i have looked at swap meats and everything i cant find any please help
i used a mustang/cougar unit in mine search my post's and you will find the info you seek and pictures even
what i did was i went and got the float welded where the was a crack and now it works just fine. thanks everyone
I have a 76. Anyone know a place that sells this one. The one at autokrafters says it is for 71-74. but no one seems to have one for a 76.
Not 100% positive but last time I looked nobody makes the repop for the later model sending units. It is kind of jacked up because they make brand new 19 gallon tanks for the 75 - 77 cars but they don't make the sending units. Then there is a company that sells the 70 - 74 sending units for the 15 gallon tanks but nobody make the Tanks??? How freaking goofy is that? i guess thats just part of ownign a Maverick.... Limited availability on Repop parts.