Last weekend I had my car out and it was running great. Then when I went to start it up, out of blue, it had an odd sound coming from the exhaust, but I might have just been hearing the sound over the exhaust. I don't even know how to begin to describe it, except to say that I don't think it sounded engine related. I went about three blocks seeing if it would clear up and all of a sudden I heard a very loud pop and the engine cut out. The pop didn't really sound like a backfire but more of an electrical pop. Now when I try to start the car, it won't even turn over. The cylinoyd is brand new and you can hear it click, so I know it's not that. FYI: I just had the engine rebuilt and a bunch of other work done on it. Any ideas or suggestions?
Can you turn engine over by hand? Disconnect Battery or pull dist wire from cap and try to turn motor over by spinning the fan. turn both ways and see if moves. Watch balancer to make sure it make one complete rev. Until you check it out we don't have anything to go on so this is the first thing I could say to do for starters. If it does not turn over 1 full turn, pull valve cover and make sure it didn't drop a valve. Really need more info.
i would guess that the starter got stuck on the flywheel. it probly blew up the startermotor. take off the starter and have it tested if it doesnt look damaged.
yah thats what i was thinking did it make like a chuka chuka chuka chuka with a crrruuuhhh sound in it thats what my starter on my mav sounded like whan it got stuck did it smoke any and was the sound on the pass side bottom of the trans thats where the starter is
Thanks for the info guys! I guess this would be similar to the sound it made. I'll pull this starter this weekend and have it looked at.
did it make like a chuka chuka chuka chuka with a crrruuuhhh sound in it best thing posted on this forum in a lonnnnnng time. i laughed like crazy! and yes that is what it would sound like if you cacked your starter!