i know in 71 they introduced the 4 door and the 302 and i know in either 73 or 74 they switched from small bumpers to big bumpers, but what are the changes in a 71 and 72?
'72 had more stripe options on the Grabber models, the 'LDO' option became available, the 'Sprint' model was introduced for the Olympics....and maybe some other stuff i cant think of. check out here for more detailed info: http://www.fordmaverick.com/yrtoyr.htm
Front seat belts are different, rear seat is different as well as the plastic pieces that go around the rear seat, rear seat belts are different
are you saying rear retractable seat belt, because in my 71 i have front retractable seatbelts and pretty sure they havent been changed
71 and 72 have a lot of differences although not everything is coming to mind but here are a few things i remember off hand. Rear tail light wiring harness went from a rope jacket to a long plastic bar covering the harness. Dash seatbelt light moved from Speedocluster to in dash Engine compartment harness that connects to motor has a different connector on it. (although both will still plug into each other) Air cleaners changed completely, went from larger style to smaller style Comet specific - Tail lights on 71 comets used Montego lights, in 72 comets they got their own part # Rear tray covers (covers headliner to tray)on each side went from steel to plastic Many of the plastic wire supports that hold wires to the body changed in design for example the ones that hold the front turn signal lights wiring There is a lot more stuff just cant think of them all
Hers the Scoop This is how Ford reported it in their 1970 Annual report. "On December 18th, 1970, the United States District Court in Detroit entered a judgement that Ford must divest itself of the Autolite name and two plants-a spark plug plant in Fostoria OH and a battery plant in Owosso MI-aquired from the Electric Autolite Company in 1961. The judgement would prohibit Ford from manufacturing spark plugs in the United States for 10 years, and for five years require Ford to buy half of it's US and export spark plug requirements from the divested plant under the Autolite name. No Company owned or licensed name could be used on spark plugs sold by Ford in the US for five years. The company is presently appealing the judgement. On December 1, the company announced that the brand name on it's automotive parts, except spark plugs, will be changed from Autolite to Motorcraft. The change is intended to remove any market uncertainty caused by the antitrust suit challenging the 1961 acquistion. The name change to Motorcraft will be effective at the beginning of the 1972 model year on original equipment parts and in late 1971 for replacement parts. Spark plugs will continue to be branded Autolite pending resolution of the antitrust case."
what the HELL is in may car????? I have been every where and i cant find a shop manual for my 74 maverick 200 i6. this sucks, i know i have to by one, but i was hoping that someone maybe would post something on these engine. **** i did my part by posting a manual for the carter carb for these cars that i found. sorry anyways does anyone know where i can find info on these engines, manual a break down of these engines and so on? Last week i adjusted this thing and im going to call it a thing cause i have no idea what it is and can find no info on this engine. anyways this thing is on the right side of the engine or drivers side and is in the block, it has a wire that screws on to it. for some reason it was loose and when i tightened it, it made good contact with this thing. anyways after doing so i notice that the car got better throttle response. does anyone know what it is. i also notice that it is leaking oil from there. i am going to have to take a picture of it and post it. its where the fuel pump is and is back by the fire wall. any ideas i know im going to have to take a picture of it so you all can see it but any help would help. also what other cars have the same engine??? is it a mustang II ???
electric choke , oil pressure switch (leaking oil, back near firewall drivers side with a wire coming off) ebay, i see ford manuals for sale all the time about 10-20 bucks