On the trip to GA and back this past weekend, my pickup, 99 F 150, developed a shudder when it changed into high gear, overdrive off. I could regulate it by making it downshift or by letting off the gas. It seemed to do it mostly when in a pull, on level ground it was fine. It would shudder so hard it would vibrate the dash. The tach never indicated that it was slipping, just a very hard shudder when it went into high gear, no other gear was affected, and after it shuddered, it would smooth out fine. Not sure which trans it is, it's behind a 4.6, an auto with overdrive. Any ideas on what might be happening? It has 192,000 miles on it. I'm wondering if I need to start looking for a tranny?
I worked at a dealer building these trans for a few years. Id say its a converter shudder. A good flush and a tube of dr tranny's shudder fix will get it id bet. This was a common problem with a 4r70w/aode.
I changed my fluid with some valvaline Mercon V and my shudder went away. 47,000 miles on this fluid change so far and I am not nice to my truck. I will Chang it again soon as a preventive mesure.
That's good to know. Where would I find this Dr Tranny's shudder fix? Now I need it to warm up enough so I can flush it.
If changing the fluid to Mercon V doesn't fix your shudder it might be caused by slipping converter lock-up clutch. I would stay away from any "mechanic-in-a can" fixes. some of them can cause serious damage to internal parts.
trans shudder the wifes suv had that shudder recently took it in to dealer and had a fluid service on it and its smooth again
Wife got me a tube of the Dr Tranny Shudder Fix today. Only $6, so I decided to just put it in and try it. Unbelievable! The stuff worked as soon as I started down the road! Tranny seemed to shift smoother, no shudder at all! Don't know what's in the stuff, but it does work. Time will tell if it screws up anything, but for now, it seems to have done the job. PaulS, I'm kind of skeptical on most additives too. I researched this stuff and only found glowing reviews, so I decided to give it a shot. If it didn't work, I was only out the $6, and would probably needed a new tranny anyway...
Good deal! Iv used literaly thousands of tubes of this stuff its good stuff. Did you flush it out good?
No, I didn't flush it at all, just added the stuff to it. Truck had over 100,000 on it when I got it, and have always heard it was better to not change the fluid if it hadn't been changed regulary, and I don't know the service history of it. It now has 193,000 or so, fluid is still bright red, no smells....