Maverick / Comet Experts: I am in the process of changing over my In-Line 6 manual 3-speed, to a V-8 302 using the same transmission and as many original parts as possible, yet I need the car to drive. I am very close to getting ready to bolt it all together... I am having a bit of a question regarding the equalizer bar. I purchased a great original Z-Bar here on this site... Thanks Tony! I have the original Plate that bolts to the frame, and the bolt that goes to the engine... I have all springs etc. The question is, the bushing retainer pin for the Z-Bar. I don't have it yet, but know where to get it... The Balls for the Clutch Equalizer Bar that I currently have (In-Line 6) don't fit the v-8 302 Equalizer Bar. Is this bushing retainer pin used for a V-8 302 Z- Bar? If so then What bushings are held by this pin? Are these Bushings them? These can be found on ebay, but not sure if they are actually needed... Are the larger balls needed? i.e. 1" in diameter versus the 3/4" that the Six cylinder Balls are... Auto Krafters states that the 70-77 Balls for the Clutch Equalizer Repair Kit are compatible with the 302 and 6 cylinder... that has me confused even more... Here is my current Equalizer Bar: I have pictures that members have sent me with the retainer pin in the Equalizer Bar... See Below... That is indicating that the pin is retaining these bushings above? Would greatly appreciate any and all thoughts, perspectives, and / or advice. If I need the different ( Ball - At Clutch Release Equalizer Bar ) where have you all found these? Not sure which to look at through Auto Krafters or others... thanks again! Aaron
didn't know if you knew or not .But the ball in the block and the piece on the frame rail is different .also will need to change the trans cross-member or drill yours elongated
Thanks Maverick Maniac... so that means the Retainer Clip that is pictured above is used for what? or is it used? Does the Ball work with my existing Block Piece and Frame Piece? Do you know where these can be purchased? Can you elaborate on the Trans cross member? The cross member that was in the car was connected to the trans that is going back in... will the 302 bell housing push the alignment back? Thanks again for all of your help!
yes the 2 plastic pieces and the clip are correct but you have to have the correct ball they are different and the piece on the frame rail (the other side of the z-bar) is different as well . As far as the trans cross-member you can drill /cut it to make the hole elongated (the 302 will pull the trans forward) hope this helps some Raymond
Not sure what you mean by "ball" here... The v8 Maverick engine side anchor for the Z-bar is unique among Fords, and can be hard to find. If you have one, it takes a unique bushing. You can use a more conventional Ford anchor, but might have to check measurements to make sure you get the correct bushing o/d and i/d specs. That is what I did for my v8 auto to manual swap. I used a Mustang anchor from the dealer and tried different bushings off the shelf till I found one with the Stang pivot i/d and Maverick z-bar o/d. The Stang type bushing is retained with a simple c-clip. (I did this swap back when Ford dealerships still carried these parts, so it will be a bit more work today.) Industrial power transmission supply stores carry all sorts of bushings that will work in this application. Check your phone book and find one near you. They specialize in belts, bearings, and bushings for industry. Take the pivots and the z-bar, they keep mikes and such on the counter, and can measure the parts. Then they look in the book for the bushing you need. I do this sort of thing all the time for maintenance of my equipment in my business. No.
Another idea if you are ambitious... I have seen where folks using the Stang style engine side pivot (Which uses a bushing the same as the Maverick frame pivot) have installed a roller bearing in each side of the z-bar. Again, you just need to order a bearing for each side that has the i/d of the pivot and o/d of the inside of the z-bar.
the v/8 motor pulls the trans forward about a half inch or so and the 6 cyl cross member wont work unless you modify it
Is it because the engine pivot ball location on a 6 cylinder is farther forward on the block then it is on a v8, that would mean you would have to have a longer frame rail bracket for a v8 car to place it toward the firewall