What can or will cause the Engine light to come on and go off while driving? I am not the one who was actualy driving it so I have no specifics as to any conditions. It's a 75 with a 250.
The engine light in some of Ford's 70's cars took the place of the oil light. Short the oil sender wire to ground with the key on and see if the light comes on and then undo the short and make sure the light goes out. If it does then that's it and you might have low oil pressure at idle. Does the light come on at idle or driving down the road with engine speed above idle?
The engine temp and oil pressure switch tie into the white w/red stripe wire to feed the engine light.
They had some problems with oil sending unit. I would put a gauge on and see real oil psi, replace sending with oil gauge still plumbed in. oil n filter change, NO FRAM filter. As said before, check out cooling system, usually flicker is oil related I had heard if clutches are getting thin in the posi, engine light may come on,,,I gotta go
I have seen engines just low enough on oil that the light would come on when you go around corners or hit the brakes hard. To the driver, it could look as though it's a flicker or intermittent light up if they aren't paying close attention.
My 73 does the same thing...just happened when I changed the oil but i only went from 10w 30 to 10w40...should not have been an issue...Also looked as though i have a rear main seal leak,,,,oil is dripping around the flywheel. guess if there is a small leak there then the light would come on. It only comes on at idle...after the car is in drive(with pressure) there is no sign of flicker....