Texas too. I was once told by a Sherrif officer "If they are on your property, and you feel threatened, shoot em. Then drag him inside so it looks like he was in the house." This was at a neighborhood watch meeting. Of course, that was 20 years ago, and probably wouldn't fly nowadays. But still, I carry pretty much anywhere and never had any issues. Cops like it, I guess. They know someone has THEIR back, if anything were to get interesting.
You'd have received the same treatment in New Jersey as well. I ran across a guy (truck driver like me) who was overheard talking about carrying guns in trucks on the CB radio one night. About 3 am, he was rudely awakened by a SWAT team and dragged out of his truck, and then they searched his truck and found his 25 auto. He too was lookin a a manditory 2 years in prison for it. I used to hear stories of drivers who while being robbed, pulled their guns, stopping the robbery, only to have the cops show up later and arrest them for possesion of a firearm, after being reported by the robber to the cops. When you go up there, the best policy is "don't ask---don't tell" as far as guns are concerned. Those states up there are a far cry from Texas and most of the rest of the country.
States like that are trampling not only the 2nd Amendment, but also the "full faith" clause of the Constitution! Double trample! Full faith says that whatever state you are resident of, any state you pass through is supposed to honor your state's laws governing you and your possessions as you pass through. This is why we don't have to register our cars in every state in which we pass through, get that state's insurance, get a driver license for multiple states, or in the case of Florida... get front plates to travel through states that require front plates. These are just some examples. Full faith was meant to cover pretty much everything. I don't know how or why it eventually came to not cover firearms, but it is unconstitutional. Again, judicial activism making bad presidence...
...and radar detectors. Some east coast states will confiscate them from you if they catch you with them.
That crossed my mind too while I was typing the last post. They'd have to take me in before I'd surrender that. The gun would be different, even though they are wrong, if I don't surrender it, they could end up claiming I was doing a stand-off and escalate things to a dangerous level. In Tennessee, they don't require trailers (like car haulers) to be licensed, nor do they require tail lights so long as the tow vehicle's lights can be seen. I live in Florida, but borrowed my father's (lived in TN) trailer. I was pulling it with an FL tagged vehicle. A young lady rear ended the trailer on a Florida road. She happened to be the daughter of a Deputy, so he was first on scene, of course... I made a stink because they were related, and got other officers on scene to protect my rights. The trooper proceeded to go after me for having an unregistered trailer. I had to explain it to him, and he was going on about I needed to register it. We got into a "who's on first" arguement because I told him my father wasn't a resident, therefore couldn't register his trailer... he said I should register it, and I said how? It's not mine to register... We went in circles until the girl finally admitted fault and I refused to seek damages as the trailer was only scratched. Her car was beat pretty bad though, but it was her fault. I think they just wanted to intimdate me into some way for them to blame me. I explained the "full faith" clause to the trooper, but he never heard of it.
As far as the "fear the government that fears your gun" we are well beyond that. I'm still woundering when/if the officles will ever figure out that when they make "gun laws" they are only hurting the people not the criminals because "only the law abiding, abide by the laws". If they make it less criminal to defend yourself and others which is not only a human right but a animal instinct the crime rate would probably decress... think about it, how many would be bank robbers as an example would pull a gun when the odds are that half the people in the bank will pull one on them? I'm not really a gun person in general but I do believe we should have the right to own/carry. Another qoute that makes sense is "a gun society is a polite society". anyway looks like this thread has gotton abit off topic. Is'nt the rear window abit to slanted to make a gun rack practicle?
Any place that arrests a person for defending themselves has got to know that it wouldn't stand up in a constitutional challenge. Take it all the way to the supreme court. Same thing with a trucker carrying in his truck - it is his home and he has every right to have a gun in his home - just like an RV, motor home or trailer. One of these days I am going to do that and take it to the supreme court just to make it illegal for them to pull this sh1t
You can and those liberal politicians who institute this crap will go right on ignoring the constitutionality of it. Just like they are now.