vestidura= upholstery. i am asking to ford mexico to show us his records about the decodifcation numbers, i am waiting for the response, i ve send it a some e mails.
Gert You were denied entry into a mustang and cougars club for not being pre 1960's? Thats crazy seeing how they came out After 1960! Its discrimination I tell you!
Hello my friend , I work for DANA SPICER , HEAD OFFICE IN MEXICO AT THIS TIME . Al the rear axel produced in Mexico , we made it at EJES TRACTIVOS PLANT , Close to the acueducto de Guadalupe . Until the conflict with a long strike. In 1976 we move many lines to Queretaro with different names , Engrames Conicos , Autoforjas , Tycsa, Cardanes, Autometales (foundry). Well the people at front of this comes from the old Borward from Monterrey, they produce al the axels for Ford Motor Company Mexico, and was assembly in the old LA VILLA PLANT, , and this zig zag assembly lines was mounted to the Mavericks , only by especial order we produce special axels for the Product Engeneri g department , Ing . Victor Perez, with power lock or track lock sister from our mother plant in Indiana and Ohio. Good times ! All regular product in use Dana axel , all the engines was 302 and only some year use too a v6 but get back again to the 302 engine the next year all that castings produced at Cuautitlan Plant. Hope help to you with this notes. Regards
Hi Oscar, I´m writing from Barzil - rehgarding about the v8 engine, did the302 be used at the Maverick in Mexico, or only the 289?