alright, so i'll start off by stating that i know nothing about Ford/Mercury vehicles. :sorry: I love Volkswagens but i can appreciate any kind of car. The reason im here is to learn about the 5th generation Comet GT as that is what my brother had when i was younger. i remembered running at the chance to wash the car and clean it inside and out when i was little. i think i loved that car more than my brother did. sadly it was lost to a shop that got shut down(i dont know the full details) while he was out on his second tour with the military. i'll be lurking around reading up and maybe asking questions from time to time. maybe i can scoop one up one day and fix it up. thanks Gabe
from Northeast Pennsylvania Oh, you'll learn a lot of things here just by lurking - glad to have you :Handshake
You can tell your an import tuner because you refer to cars as gens haha. We dont do that in the Ford World, and even then it wouldn't be a fifth gen. 60-65 were the first, then 66-69 was the second and finally 71-77 was the third and Final generation. Welcome though! I dabble around in imports as well.
import tuner? here i was trying to not sound so "ricer/racer" haha! import tuner sounds so "JDM" *shivers* haha jk its cool, though. by the way, as i noted in the first sentence, i know nothing of Ford/Mercury so i tried to do some research before registering so i wouldnt sound like such a dweeb/noob. feel free to read what i found when i typed Mercury GT Comet into google. i actually used the terminology used there. i was misled! haha its all good. im sure i'll learn more about domestics soon enough. EDIT: i usually refer to cars as "Mark_, Mk_, or A_" rather than Gens" for example: i have a Mark1/MK1/A1 Rabbit L with a G60 motor swap in it.
The whole mark thing gets even more confusing when you get into domestics. As Ford had several cars with the model name Mark. Then chevy had engines named mark also.... I know some Japanese cars also use the term, like supras. I've built 2 Mercedes 240D, the last one got a little T3/T4 50 trim, it was a blast! Now i'm into D-Series hondas. But i'm not a JDM fanboy at all, I hate that crap.
in that case, i'll just say the year, make, and model. haha. Hondas can defintely be fun and super easy to work on but i had to move out of that phase and go back to my original love, Volkswagens. mostly older Vw's, though. I wish i could own an AE86 or a FC RX-7 as far as japanese go. ...But back to Ford/Mercury. Looks like iv'e got alot to learn. I better get to reading so i dont sound like such an "import tuner" when i ask questions later. i just kiddin'
I didn't mean that term in a bad way. Heck i fall under that title also. Were all car guys man, and this is literally one of the best forums ever. It's not like others that just flame every new person and bash each other. Were more like a big family. Also feel free to post pics of your cars, we love pics of any cars!
Thanks , Don Alex, its cool, man. im just messing with you. it did tickle me whenyou initially said import tuner as ive NEVER been called that since im more into Euros. Im definitely glad i joined as this just broadens my appreciation for other makes and models, but more specifically the Maverick/Comet. heck! ive been looking for a Comet GT for years(not an exaggeration) and i find a post of one being sold about 45 minutes away from me the same day i register. imagine that! haha same here, sir. It not about the badge on the car but about the ENTHUSIASTS that make up the community. my cars: 03 GTI 24v VR6 it sits stupid low as im not interested in going fast. my oilpan is about 4 inches from the ground so i got a skidplate. only problem is that the bolts that hold the skidplate to the subframe...well... haha! i dont have a pic of my Jetta at the moment but here is a shot of my Cabriolet that i sold not too long ago and the Rabbit that i told my wife to bury me in when i die. The Rabbit should be getting a rollcage that im going to polish up and hardwood floors behind the front seats with an air ride setup when money permits it.
Well european cars are still imports haha. Sharp looking cars man! Did all the VWs have skid plates? The mercedes that I worked on had a full lenght one under the body. I always though they were neat. Also for being almost 30 years old they handled great. Even better than some of the modern domestic cars i've driven.
thank you, good sir. i like Volkswagens as well. ive tried to work out every angle that i could so that i could own one of every kind but my wife shoots down everyone of my ideas. im fortelling a divorce in my future. lol jk. my wife has been awesome and understanding of my addiction to cars in general. i agree that they are still technically imports. we usually say euros to differentiate between jap imports and euro imports. stock skidplates? yes and no. Volkswagen calls them skidplates. Those that know better call them what they really are. A plastic engine splash gaurd. my skidplate: im in talks with a mad scientist friend of mine that is just itching to make an entire belly pan for my car because its so low. sounds like thats what you had on the Merc but i could be wrong. cars back then were just so much better than the cars of today. thank you, sir.