so as many of you might know, my hood is crap from flying up and bending (twice) i had an idea while looking at my dads 57 bel-air, what if i took my scoops out and welded bel-air rockets into them, my dad has about 7 unrestored bel-airs and my hood is crap anyway. tell me what you think
Hmmm...Sorry but I just can't imagine that looking good but ya never know. Not gonna hurt it to try it.
i keep thinking about chroming my inserts.has anyone ever done that?if so did they post pics?i'm def, going to chrome my mirrors this year though
ill post pics if i decide to do it, i know it might not look good but like i said the hoods a peice of crap now
Had a picture of a rice-burner with fins, near Toledo O, too dark at AM for picture to work I will say this, the person did a lot of work in getting the fins DeSototized! Gotta do your own thinking! If the light bulb was never invented, we'd be watching TV in the dark!
I keep looking at the Mustang hoods from 2000-2004 or so, the ones with the "Grabber-esce" scoops ... wondering when someone will graft some of that to a flat Mav hood. Even thinking about using the center section to make a cowl hood for my Explorer.... then will have the scoops and the funky flip-out rear windows. There is someone locally who has done the Mustang hood center graft to a Chevy Pickup, and it looks pretty good.