Not a Maverick but just shows how far we have come. Not at all what most would expect. The interior view in the second video says it all. OUCH. The third one I just threw in for fun. It's crash test of a Smart car LOL
Well it definately shows that all that metal around you isn't much good. Casr used to be made so the car would survive an accident now they are made so WE survive.
that's unbeleiveable about the 59. Arent those full frames....x frame at that? which means it should have had hardly no damage.. My buddy crashed his old 67 buick special doing 120 we did a 360 twice then the pass front hit the jersey barrier...only thing it needed was the bumper a new fender/grille and about 400 bucks in frame again ..what the hell was wrong with that 59 lol heres a link
i dontr think thats much so...they always built the car to make us survive...just theyre approach is different. vintage is made for the car to survive...since it doesnt give more harsh on our body.. new cars are doing the same but with better seatbelts...use of air bags and crumble points to cushion the impact to make the crash less severe on the driver/passengers. between the extra give of the car to cusion the ill effects and air bags deploying detroying dashes/airbag replacement and what not...cost is too much to effectivly they usualy total out...
I watched the first video a couple of times (on my cell) and I'm not for sure bit I don't see an engine in the old car when the front gets smashed open, I'm going to go watch it again. Okay watched it again twice and I still say the engine bay is empty, I think it would be harder to crush the front of that far if there was an engine in it. Not that it would make it any safer or anything just what I noticed and MO.
I wonder how much difference having a six point cage would have made. Probably not much at that angle.
This would explain why some of the older cars are actually relatively light vs. it's modern cousins... I know my Mazda weighs more than the Maverick despite it being much smaller, smaller engine, aluminum bodied, etc.