The holes for the shelby drop are drilled 1.3" from center to center. The only way the UCA can be installed is with both side grease zerts removed. Is this normal or did my maverick have the shelby drop from the factory? Being a 71 I would find it surprising if it did. First picture is of the holes, second is with the UCA installed.¤t=IMAG0376.jpg
I thought only 73 and later mavericks had the shelby drop done! For reals the drop is already done!!! Anyway to confirm this from measuring frame rail to center of hole?
Right where your grease fittings should be just take about about a 1 inch hole saw and bore 2 holes through your tower and you can grease the uca fittings through the holes
Yep, or you can convert to the new style upper control arm bushings. They are shorter and clear the towers, with no grease fitting needed.
Dropped mine 1.75" and couldn't install the 90° zerks or any zerk for that matter. I persuaded the towers to get 3 of them in, but the one in front of the steering box was a no go since the tower is actually notched for the box. I like the idea of the granada type bushings, no grease. Or you could upgrade to aftermarket uca's...
How big of a hole will I need to fit the tip of the grease gun through. I can install straight zerts then feed the tip of the grease gun through the engine bay. 1/2" to small?
1/2" will be too small in my opinion. If you are off center at all then you could have trouble attaching the grease connector. 1" is what I would do.
I would not cut holes in the shock towers. I had a 68 Cougar that someone did that to before I bought the car and my shock tower cracked out from the holes!
I wouldn't cut the holes either, if nothing else, because you can still only get to 3 of them and it'll be that 1 that squeaks. If you don't want the rubber bushing kit for the uppers, you might think about having zerk holes drilled into the side of the metal bushings. That metal is hardened and I'm not certain that durability would be retained but if you drilled them close to the back (zerk side) and chamfer the holes, I would think it would be ok. Unfortunately, you'll have to install them to make sure the point you drill will be accessible after doing so. If you don't want the expense of custom UCA's, I would recommend the rubber bushing kit. JMHO