Hey guys, I'm new to this site but not new to the Maverick. I currently own a 1972 Maverick. Its a project car I've been working on and off on since 2005. I've been lurking around this website for awhile but never registered to be a member. I also own a 2003 Mercury Marauder thats my daily driver.
Welcome from GA! Love those Marauders! I have many Marauder customers here in the Atlanta area that I have upgraded and repaired since they hit the streets in 03. In fact, I have 2 coming in this week. If I can help you with anything, let me know.
I know a Guy that knew a Guy that had a Mercury Marauder . now, that Guy I knows wife bought that Guys Mercury Marauder ... I think it was from Atl. nice cars...
Welcome to the board, My wifes daily driver is an 03 Marauder (Looks exactly like yours). Yes they are cool cars.