That's all I ever do with either the Ranger or the Comet and that's with it's 3x2 setup, haven't touched the settings on the carbs in 6 years.
When I built my mav I opted for the simplicity of a carb over EFI. But the time may come when I decide to change it over. I absolutely LOVE the FI in both my 55 fords, instant start, no tuning and they are a LOT quicker than the mav will ever be...IMO...oh yeah, dont forget they dont stink like the carbed cars do.
theres alot of good mpfi aftermarket efi systems out there that have self tune and easy fine tunning features such as holley hp efi and accel dfi good throttle bodies woul be be holley avenger efi and msd atomic
But if you did the math its about the same, new carb and manifold or efi set up; the prices are very close
i found a sweet set up for a 351w on craigslist
from the date on this thread...2002-08-16...we been talking about EFI swaps for a long time... how many have or have tried aftermarket EFI? me, I have tried 2 different ones...1 of them twice...
Ummm lets see...well I did the math and for me it is no where near very close..... Here you go this was taken from hillborns website Pricing: Hilborn EFI kit with Carabine ECU starting at $6290.00 Hilborn EFI kit with FAST XFI ECU starting at $6885.00 Hilborn EFI kit with Holley HP ECU starting at $6305.00 Now that is for an EFI prepped hillborn manifold with injectors, wiring and ECU, thermostat housing(no the manifolds dont have provisions for a thermostat cast into them) and almost all other components to get it to run on the street including a fuel pump and pressure regulator, but sadly you sill have to talk about air filters... all 8 of them, granted you can get the cheapo foam ones for about $16 bucks each but if you want a nice K&N setup you are looking at a couple hundred bucks. But say you did the other route and bought just the manifold prepped with fuel rails and injectors and added your own aftermarket ECU. Well if you are running on the steet you still need the thermostat housing and lines, air filters and fuel pump and lines. The manifold only costs....... $2540.00 Now the cheapest fuel injection ECU that I know of is a megasquirt(short of frankensteining something out of a junkyard using a speed density setup). Now you can buy the ECU and all the wiring depending on which model you choose for around $400 to $800 but you have to litterally assemble it all yourself(yes that includes things like soldering diodes on the ECU motherboard) again depending on what kit you buy. The kits show up to your door looking similar to this:16suspect (laptop, soldering iron and water bottle not included...and no this is not my setup) But say you went with one of the aftermarket wiring harnesses and ECU's from say ACCELL or F.A.S.T well the F.A.S.T. kit you would probably use is the XFI 2.0. you would have to buy one of their distributors to give you crank and cam position location and those are in the $300-$400 price range and the cost of the kit runs about $1,665.95 So with the cost of the FAST ECU and wiring and the manifold that only comes too a total of $4205.95 thats not including the fuel pump or pressure regulator or anything... you still have to buy those... So lets compare that $4205.95 pricetag to one of the pre-built kits so I go to summit and look up fuel injection system for a small block ford that includes the manifold and I pick the most expensive one out of the bunch... It is a SEFI injection setup that includes a manifold, ECU and wiring, MSD distributor, fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator, heck it even comes with a mechanical fuel pump block of plate, everything to install the kit in your car on a long weekend.. Sorry the most expensive one isnt a FAST kit it is a... Edelbrock Pro-Flo2 setup and it has a whopping pricetag of...$3,764.99 Hmm I would say the $4205.95 is only about $500 more expensive then the edelbrock unit.. that wouldnt be too bad if it included everything... Now the other option is a mechanical fuel injection setup..... well if your running a mechanical fuel injection setup on the street for any considerable ammount of time and can keep it from flooding out at every stop light you are a better man then I am.. And Kinsler, Hillborn, and Inglese should hit you up to see how its done properly.. But say you were at bubbas swap meet and scored a sweet deal on a mechanical fuel injection manifold for your small block ford for a couple hundred bucks. Now both Kinsler and Hillborn will retrofit it for EFI for you, this includes welding on EFI bungs for the injectiors and drilling and reaming them out so the injectors fit and line up with the fuel rail, running air lines for the IAC valve and, setting up all the provisions for sensors like the TPS and the Map sensor. They usually charge about $1000-$1500(depending on the condition of the manifold). And remember for eight 29Lb fuel injectors your looking at a couple hundred dollar price tag on top of the manifold work too. But really I would be interested in your math and how it works out, because if it is as you say and the prices are..... I would really like to know because It would cause me to rethink my current strategy on what I am doing with my car..