I'll keep it short. Set the pinion angle at -2.5 ... breakdown cost 150$ for the rear. 3.73 posi, 31 spline, 8.8 with disc and parking cable 30$ for perches, centers milled to the larger explorer 3.25 axle tube 120$ for welding the perches on and adapting explorer leaf spring shock plate, also includes grinding off old perches and such. 30$ for 1" lower blocks 15$! for the pair of new ultra shocks thanks amazon!!! 5$ in paint total: 350$! various pics test fit and centering Installed 05 mustang gt wheel test fit. close and fits no spacer. Still need to reinforce the bottom shock tongue.. it should hold for now
Nice. Let me see if I understand. The rear end of the explorer is not a direct fit for the Maverick, its 1.5" off center to the passenger side? IF so how did you correct the offset?
Shorten the left side or run the driveshaft 1.5" off center. I don't think I have the clearance with my exhaust.
Would it not give some vibration being off like that? I doubt mine would fit with my exhaust either. I have a Mustang 8.8 housing, and was thinking of swapping the guts over...but I may just get mine cut.
no it wont vibrate. the drive shaft doesnt know that the pinion is off set. the u joints take care of that. think about it. the drive shaft runs on an angle. it doesnt care if its up and down or side to side. an angle is an angle.
Yup..look at lifted trucks,there driveshafts look like there bout to fall off from how there angled but stayed in the right spot
some Rangers and Explorers have the engine centered but the rear pinion offset. The key is that the angle deviating from the centerline of the engine and trans is the same as the rear axle. As long as they are parallel, the angles will be equal and opposite resulting in a smooth assembly.