9,38 @69mph. lease donate to "Bob's Mav Retirement Acct." It's not tax deductable but it will get me some new headlights
9.52 How have you been Mr. Arnold? It's been a while. Maybe we can get together at a mutual show in the near future.
I don't know 1/8 mile at all, since I've only been to 1/4 tracks. But I say 10.5, because of the tires and 3.00 gear.
That is my thinking, too. I will donate to anything the other guy chooses, as long as it is a reputable positive helping charity. Someone I would donate to anyway. Besides, the promise of some good coming about from your track night is a driving force to keep you amped up to and all through that event! It is also fun to get everyone else involved. I have done a couple contests and all have come out with me feeling pleased with myself, and the brotherhood of the MavComs.
Beautiful night but no good runs Well, I took the Sprint to the Benson Drag Strip this evening. Tried 4 runs but no good ones. Transmission was not sifting right. This afternoon, on a trial run on some country roads, everything looked good. Got my second tack memory device from Summit (first one didn't work) installed and working so I could record the shift points. Starting in Drive, 1-2 upshift was perfect at 5400 RPM. 2-3 upshift was 5100 and that's fine since I'm done racing before it sees 3rd gear. Thinking I could just run in Drive. On the track, however the transmission did not behave well at all. On the first run the engine hit 6000 rpm in 1st hear and started to float the valves. On another I had to let off because again it wasn't doing the 1-2 upshift when it should. On another it was slipping in 1st gear and I had to let off to let it shift. That was the 4th run and I quit rather than destroy the transmission. 4th run was the best ET. 4th Run: Reaction time .7372 60 ft 2.2581 330 ft 6.338 1/8th ET 9.9737 1/8 MPH 64.28 Joe Dirt guessed closest with 9.9 ET, so he gets to suggest a charity for the $25 donation. Could have done better if transmission were working right. Plan to drain off a little excess ATF and install a transmission cooler. Not sure what to make of the perfect shift points on the road and over-reving and slipping at the track. Oh yeah, and my buddy's Trailblazer SS kicked my butt all night long. Not many racers there early so we got to run, drive back and be 1st in line to run again. Did all 4 runs side by side.