Sweet! It takes 14 turns to go either direction with the Allen wrench. I did 7 turns out and tried it, no detonation and drives smooth. Gonna try to turn it out some more.
I tried 91 and I actually felt the motor be a little more responsive with 87. The compression on the engine is only 8.7:1 roughly.
It will now, without the blower, and with the timing retarded, but the extra octane will be needed for both. What you're looking for is all the timing you can get, as soon as you can get it, without the pinging.
I just realized that I was still getting some detonation in 2nd gear at 3000 rpm. So I kept turning the adjustment screw counterclockwise but kept having some detonation. Finally turned it completely counterclockwise and I was getting the pinging but I was getting loud "boom, boom" noises and surging . . . I guess that's still detonation right? So I disconnected the vac advance and it's fine. I have arco 87 octane in there. Gonna try 91 when this tank is empty and hook the vac advance back up.