I need help finding the right rebuild kit for my carb, basically because I have no Idea what carb I have I was told it's a Holley 650 double pumper by the previous owner, but it seems there's several different types of them? Took a few pictures of my carb, if it helps:
Any way I can verify that it's a 600? Or are you sure it is? Is it worth rebuilding it, or should I just buy a different carb?
Thanks for replies I'll check the number tomorrow Are these carbs any good? Performance-wise? Is it worth rebuilding it, or is it better to just buy a new carb? So far, I've been having nothing but trouble with it..
I would get rid of that rubber hose at the inlet. The way it is reacting it doesn't look like fuel line.
I remember it said that the car had a 770 street avenger in the classsified ad, the seller probably threw on the 600 before selling it I guess
pitch it you will be glad you did, the newer holleys are way way better carbs. i run edelbrock. dont know how the petrol is there but its garbage here and the edelbrock is about the most user friendly carb on the market.
Doh, I just ordered a rebuild kit for it Guess I'll rebuild it and see if it gets any better, if not I'll buy a new carb instead
Chances are, if you're still running a points ignition, that's the source of your "carb" troubles. 90% of so called "carb troubles" are directly caused by an ignition problem. Dirty and/or substandard fuel are usually the cause of the other 10% of problems
In my case there's actually the mixture screws on the carb that's the main problem One of them's missing the rubber piece on the tip, so that one's pretty quick to adjust itself.. When I adjust the carb again(Both screws 1.5 rounds out), car runs fine for a little while again.. But lately it's been getting worse, with the car just stopping with no prior warning signals.. Seems to run perfect, until it just suddenly stops right out of the blue. It fires right up again with no problems after it stops like that.. I just can't imagine that being anything other than that the carb is beginning to get tired? That being said, I don't doubt that timing needs a little bit of adjustment and I guess a new fuel filter wouldn't hurt either