I bought my son a 77 maverick 2 years ago for his 16th birthday, sadly he sold it over the winter with the idea of buying a motorcycle. He came to his senses this week and bought a sweet 74 mav with a 302. Mom and Dad are happy!
Haha that's great.. I'm only 22 myself I'm still young but im in the same boat with the motor cycle idea.. But my cars heading for paint in a week so after the 6 months 6 days a week I might be forced to keep it! I would probably regret selling it
Same here, i'm 22 also and the Harley bug has been biting me bad. I might just go get a loan and pick up one of those new V rods
The car looks MINT! DETAILS, PLEASE! Interior, engine bay pics? By the way, my little brother has a nice motorcycle if you want to trade!
Great minds think alike haha. im 20 and thought about a motorcycle. I just asked my grandparents for their Honda Express Moped and that fit the gap for me . Your son has a sharp ride there
I'm 26. Got the motorcycle bug a few years ago too. Couldn't justify it with the mav project so I threw a 2-stroke on my bicycle. Scratched my itch lol
Im 29 and ill never get over the 2 wheel itch. Some have it, some dont. I just parked my cafe racer and my cbr600 for the summer. It rains like 9-10 inches in the summer alone here in West Palm Beach. Its okay though because I have a excuse for new rubber on the maverick!
Hmm keep thinking about a motorcycle to drive back and forth to work in the summer. Then I do the math on how much I would be with payments per gas savings of a car that is paid off, and for me a motorcycle just doesnt save me that much money.
My Comet was my first car. I just hope his is fairly tame. I paid high insurance for 10 years from just a couple of years of tickets.
haha yup insurance went up a bit from his 77 with a straight 6 200, but that 302 with dual exhaust makes it sound worth it at least!!!