Son, Barry, and I are leaving Raleigh about 6 AM and will meet an old friend for lunch near Knoxville. Then on to Somerset. Should arrive at the Doolin House between 4 and 5 PM. Looking forward to meeting some of the "posters" and seeing the cars rather than pictures. Wishing everyone safe and trouble-free travel.
Debating on driving through the night tonight or coming down in the morning. We'll see what time I get the truck loaded.
We drove straight here from Oklahoma (14hrs) and they said they don't have any reservation for me and the rooms are full. She found me a room for tonight and I need to talk to "the guy" in the morning to see what can be done.. She told me three times that I might have called another hotel that.. I might of dialed one of the "other" hotels.. I only seen one phone # posted here on the forums .. Can't wait for brealkfast..I'm hungry and grumpy
I've got a room with a king size bed to myself, I'll be there in 8 hours. No clue if I can get two twins, but if I can, I'll share if it means one more member around.
Bruce, looking forward to seeing you. Been great so far. Only going to be better for the next few days. Only bad thing so far is that every day is one less day to spend here. I counted about 18 Mavericks in the parking lot last night. I went in a little after midnight, trying to finally get an earlly night.
DING DING DING DING! You DIDN"T win.. lol My wife was the one who took care of it while I was passed out this morning. She doesn't know how it was spelled.. All is good though. Ate breakfast and will try and catch a nap in a few.
We (Jennifer, Andrew and I) will not be there all day, we've got a two year old that will need a nap at around 1:30 or so.